Three places does seem like a lot. What are they specifically? Hopefully we can get rid of one or two.

That said, using python to generate python to put in a hidden directory to read with python embedded in a binary is, in my opinion, WAY more complicated than the problem warrants. The generating script would have to be fairly smart too so you could quickly update particular fields, remove previously set defaults, etc.

How about a file with key value pairs separated by equals signs. Those would be used as the defaults when the options were set up, and that would be the whole deal. If somethings doesn't make sense as an option to the m5 binary, it wouldn't go in that file.

There are a couple of things that follow from that. First, m5path would become an option to the binary which seems like a reasonable thing to do in its own right. That would mean we could eliminate the M5_PATH environment variable entirely, or leave it in somehow for compatibility.

Second, there would potentially be a significant increase in the number of options the binary supports which could make --help less useful. We could define two levels of help, regular and verbose, like hg does I think.

If we wanted to get fancy we could treat our file like hgrc and have one version in the repo, one in the home directory, and one system wide. Then they'd have to accumulate for paths and whatnot, I suppose.


Quoting Ali Saidi <>:

We could create a script and put it in the m5 root that emmitted python files into .m5 that properly setup the environment based on the user input. I rather like that idea and that way it could ask where various things were and we aren't setting a bunch of environment variables. I'm not a huge fan of the config.ini files because pretty much every thing we're going to want to add you need to add and check in three places. It would be better if it was just python that setup SysPaths and whatever else correctly.


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