Hi Guru,

There are some early KitKat build instructions on the Wiki [1]. You
probably want as new a version as possible of Android if you¹re doing
browser benchmarking since the browser tends to change a lot.

There is already a stub-GPU model in gem5 that simulates a Mali 6xx/7xx.
You¹ll need drivers to use it though. This is unfortunately the tricky
part. We (ARM) provide pre-compiled drivers for a handful of common
boards, which you could use. At least in theory. Due to the driver model
in Android, there is (sometimes) a dependency between the GPU driver
(libEGL) and the display processor (the component that outputs your frame
buffer to a display).

Due to the dependency between the GPU driver and the display processor,
you need a driver for a system with a display processor that can be
modelled by gem5. In practice, this means that you¹re limited to the T62x
driver for the Juno dev kit. However, this driver was built for Android
Lollipop, so I¹m not not sure it will work for KitKat.


[1] http://www.gem5.org/Android_KitKat

[2] http://malideveloper.arm.com/resources/drivers/

On 15/09/2015 19:59, "gem5-users on behalf of Guru Prasad"
<gem5-users-boun...@gem5.org on behalf of gurup...@buffalo.edu> wrote:

>I've been trying to run BBench on Android JellyBean and I've run into
>some of the problems pointed out in your recent workshop presentation
>on NoMali.
>Is there any way I can get NoMali up and running? I see that a
>prerequisite is Android KitKat or Lollipop. Are the instructions
>available somewhere on how to build images of these Android versions?
>Would the instructions available here be sufficient?
>Also, what (if any) updates would I need to make to the kernel?
>gem5-users mailing list


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