Hi Pierre and Sharjeel,

I think there might still be some functionality in Anastasia’s GIT repo that 
hasn’t been merged. The patches I posted a few months ago were mainly 
addressing the configuration problem.

At the moment, I don’t think Ruby will work at all if you try to use it with 
ARM. The reason is that the directory controllers in in Ruby assume a flat DRAM 
address space starting at address zero. This is a bit problematic for the 
ARM-based platforms gem5 simulate since DRAM typically starts at a the 2 GiB 
boundary. You could try to apply [1] to the latest version of gem5 to get to a 
state that is similar to that of Anastasia’s repo.

As far as I know, there are still quite few outstanding issues that prevents 
Ruby from properly simulating an ARM guest. Some of these are outlined in my 
original email.


[1] http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3578/

On 14/12/2016, 10:20, "Pierre-Yves Péneau" <pierre-yves.pen...@lirmm.fr> wrote:


    As fas as I know, this code is the result of a collaboration between our
    lab and ARM, and has been merged in the gem5 repository. See this email
    [1] from Andreas Sandberg sent on 22th July, one month after the final
    update on the git repository. Then, I think you should use the latest
    version available at https://github.com/gem5/gem5 .

    Andreas, could you confirm that ?


    [1] https://www.mail-archive.com/gem5-dev@gem5.org/msg19741.html

    On 12/14/2016 10:48 AM, SHARJEEL KHILJI wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I am trying to build ARM processor based NOC in gem5 in full system mode. 
    > am trying with following
    > scons build/ARM/gem5.fast  PROTOCOL=MESI_Two_Level -j2
    > but I get following error while building the targets,
    > build/ARM/mem/ruby/system/DMASequencer.cc: In member function 'virtual 
    > DMASequencer::init()':
    > build/ARM/mem/ruby/system/DMASequencer.cc:58:63: error: left shift of
    > negative value [-Werror=shift-negative-value]
    >      m_data_block_mask = ~ (~0 << RubySystem::getBlockSizeBits());
    >                                                                ^
    > cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
    > scons: *** [build/ARM/mem/ruby/system/DMASequencer.fo] Error 1
    > scons: building terminated because of errors.
    > Note the compilers are CC=gcc CXX=g++. I have tried using clang and 
    > compilers with scons but got some other errors with them. Note that I am
    > using the repository provided by on the gem5-arm-ruby gite.lirmm.fr
    > page. *https://gite.lirmm.fr/butko/gem5-arm-ruby/tree/ruby
    > <https://gite.lirmm.fr/butko/gem5-arm-ruby/tree/ruby>   *
    > Kindly, if you can help me in this issue. I will be highly obliged.
    > best regards,
    > Muhammad Sharjeel Khilji
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    | Pierre-Yves Péneau - PhD student |  first.last at lirmm.fr  |
    | LIRMM / CNRS - SYSMIC team       |    + 33 4 67 41 86 33    |
    | Building 4 Office H2.2           |    http://walafc0.org    |

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