Hello everyone,

    I am attempting to create an L3 cache to run in FS mode with the ARM 
detailed processor; however, I am encountering an error when trying to run the 
simulator. When I try run the simulator, the following occurs:


$:~/Documents/gem5/gem5$ sudo build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py 
 --os-type=android-ics --mem-size=256MB --machine-type=RealView_PBX --caches 
gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Feb  2 2017 23:49:17
gem5 started Feb  2 2017 23:56:43
gem5 executing on SmallButMIghty, pid 11798
command line: build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py 
 --os-type=android-ics --mem-size=256MB --machine-type=RealView_PBX --caches 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/suchy/Documents/gem5/gem5/src/python/m5/main.py", line 400, in 
    exec filecode in scope
  File "configs/example/fs.py", line 341, in <module>
    test_sys = build_test_system(np)
  File "configs/example/fs.py", line 230, in build_test_system
    CacheConfig.config_cache(options, test_sys)
  File "/home/suchy/Documents/gem5/gem5/configs/common/CacheConfig.py", line 
195, in config_cache
    system.cpu[i].connectAllPorts(system.cpu[i].tol3bus, system.membus)
  File "/home/suchy/Documents/gem5/gem5/src/python/m5/SimObject.py", line 1095, 
in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError, err_string
AttributeError: object 'O3_ARM_v7a_3' has no attribute 'tol3bus'
  (C++ object is not yet constructed, so wrapped C++ methods are unavailable.)


I cannot track down where I go about adding the tol3bus to get past this stage. 
Is there anyone who can recommend where to look? Also, I have my default 
processor set to detailed_arm.

The following are also my CacheConfig.Py, O3_ARM-V7a.Py, and Caches.Py files:
Side note: I am also trying to create a victim cache, but it encounters the 
same issue. SO if you see a vcache or anything like that, please feel free to 
ignore it

--Begin CacheConfig.Py--

import m5
from m5.objects import *
from Caches import *
from O3_ARM_v7a import *

def config_cache(options, system):
    if options.external_memory_system and (options.caches or options.l2cache or 
options.l3cache or options.vcache):
        print "External caches and internal caches are exclusive options.\n"

    if options.external_memory_system:
        ExternalCache = ExternalCacheFactory(options.external_memory_system)

    # Set the cache line size of the system
    system.cache_line_size = options.cacheline_size

    # If elastic trace generation is enabled, make sure the memory system is
    # minimal so that compute delays do not include memory access latencies.
    # Configure the compulsory L1 caches for the O3CPU, do not configure
    # any more caches.
    if options.l2cache and options.elastic_trace_en:
        fatal("When elastic trace is enabled, do not configure L2 caches.")

    if options.cpu_type == "arm_detailed":
        #from O3_ARM_v7a import *
       # except:
         #   print "arm_detailed is unavailable. Did you compile the O3 model?"
          #  sys.exit(1)

        dcache_class, icache_class, l2_cache_class, l3_cache_class, 
v_cache_class, walk_cache_class = \
            O3_ARM_v7a_DCache, O3_ARM_v7a_ICache, O3_ARM_v7aL2, O3_ARM_v7aL3, 
O3_ARM_v7aV, \
        dcache_class, icache_class, l2_cache_class, l3_cache_class, 
v_cache_class, walk_cache_class = \
            L1_DCache, L1_ICache, L2Cache, L3Cache, VCache, None

        if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == 'x86':
            walk_cache_class = PageTableWalkerCache

    if options.l2cache:
        # Provide a clock for the L2 and the L1-to-L2 bus here as they
        # are not connected using addTwoLevelCacheHierarchy. Use the
        # same clock as the CPUs.
        system.l2 = l2_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain,

        system.tol2bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
        system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.master
        system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.slave
    #Added L3 and VCache
    if options.l3cache:
       system.l3 = l3_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain, 

       system.tol3bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
       system.l3.cpu_side = system.tol3bus.master
       system.l3.mem_side = system.membus.slave
    if options.vcache:
       system.v = v_cache_class(clk_domain=system.cpu_clk_domain, 
       system.tovbus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
       system.v.cpu_side = system.tovbus.master
       system.v.mem_side = system.membus.slave

    if options.memchecker:
        system.memchecker = MemChecker()

    for i in xrange(options.num_cpus):
        if options.caches:
            icache = icache_class(size=options.l1i_size,
            dcache = dcache_class(size=options.l1d_size,
#Added L3 and VCache Options
            if options.l3cache:
              system.cpu[i].l2 = l2_cache_class(size=options.l2_size, 
              system.cpu[i].tol2bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain)
              system.cpu[i].l2.cpu_side = system.cpu[i].tol2bus.master
              system.cpu[i].l2.mem_side = system.tol3bus.slave

            if options.vcache:
                system.cpu[i].l3 = l3_cache_class(size=options.l3_size, 
                system.cpu[i].tol3bus = L2XBar(clk_domain = 
                system.cpu[i].l3.cpu_side = system.cpu[i].tol3bus.master
                system.cpu[i].l3.mem_side = system.tovbus.slave

            # If we have a walker cache specified, instantiate two
            # instances here
            if walk_cache_class:
                iwalkcache = walk_cache_class()
                dwalkcache = walk_cache_class()
                iwalkcache = None
                dwalkcache = None

            if options.memchecker:
                dcache_mon = MemCheckerMonitor(warn_only=True)
                dcache_real = dcache

                # Do not pass the memchecker into the constructor of
                # MemCheckerMonitor, as it would create a copy; we require
                # exactly one MemChecker instance.
                dcache_mon.memchecker = system.memchecker

                # Connect monitor
                dcache_mon.mem_side = dcache.cpu_side

                # Let CPU connect to monitors
                dcache = dcache_mon

            # When connecting the caches, the clock is also inherited
            # from the CPU in question
            system.cpu[i].addPrivateSplitL1Caches(icache, dcache,
                                                  iwalkcache, dwalkcache)

            if options.memchecker:
                # The mem_side ports of the caches haven't been connected yet.
                # Make sure connectAllPorts connects the right objects.
                system.cpu[i].dcache = dcache_real
                system.cpu[i].dcache_mon = dcache_mon

        elif options.external_memory_system:
            # These port names are presented to whatever 'external' system
            # gem5 is connecting to.  Its configuration will likely depend
            # on these names.  For simplicity, we would advise configuring
            # it to use this naming scheme; if this isn't possible, change
            # the names below.
            if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] in ['x86', 'arm']:
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.icache" % i),
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.dcache" % i),
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.itb_walker_cache" % i),
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.dtb_walker_cache" % i))
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.icache" % i),
                        ExternalCache("cpu%d.dcache" % i))

#added this
        if options.vcache:
            system.cpu[i].connectAllPorts(system.cpu[i].tovbus, system.membus)

            if options.l3cache:
#same as before
                if options.l2cache:
                    system.cpu[i].connectAllPorts(system.tol2bus, system.membus)
                    if options.external_memory_system:

    return system

# ExternalSlave provides a "port", but when that port connects to a cache,
# the connecting CPU SimObject wants to refer to its "cpu_side".
# The 'ExternalCache' class provides this adaptation by rewriting the name,
# eliminating distracting changes elsewhere in the config code.
class ExternalCache(ExternalSlave):
    def __getattr__(cls, attr):
        if (attr == "cpu_side"):
            attr = "port"
        return super(ExternalSlave, cls).__getattr__(attr)

    def __setattr__(cls, attr, value):
        if (attr == "cpu_side"):
            attr = "port"
        return super(ExternalSlave, cls).__setattr__(attr, value)

def ExternalCacheFactory(port_type):
    def make(name):
        return ExternalCache(port_data=name, port_type=port_type,
    return make

--END CacheConfig.Py--

--BEGIN Caches.py--

from m5.defines import buildEnv
from m5.objects import *

# Base implementations of L1, L2, IO and TLB-walker caches. There are
# used in the regressions and also as base components in the
# system-configuration scripts. The values are meant to serve as a
# starting point, and specific parameters can be overridden in the
# specific instantiations.

class L1Cache(Cache):
    """Simple L1 Cache with default values"""

    # Default parameters for both L1 I and D caches
    assoc = 2
    tag_latency = 2
    data_latency = 2
    response_latency = 2
    mshrs = 4
    tgts_per_mshr = 20
  #  is_top_level = True

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(L1Cache, self).__init__()

    def connectCPU(self, cpu_port):
        """"Connect this cache's port to a CPU port"""
        self.cpu_side = cpu_port

    def connectBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave

class L1_ICache(L1Cache):
    """Simple L1 instruction cache with default values"""

    # Set the default size
    size = '16kB'

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(L1_ICache, self).__init__()

    def connectCPU(self, cpu_port):
        """"Connect this cache's port to a CPU port"""
        self.cpu_side = cpu_port.icache_port

    def connectBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave

     #   super(L1ICache, self).__init__(options)
      #  if not options or not options.l1i_size:
       #     return
        #self.size = options.l1i_size

class L1_DCache(L1Cache):
    """Simple L1 data cache with default values"""

    # Set the default size
    size = '64kB'

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(L1_DCache, self).__init__()

    def connectCPU(self, cpu_port):
        """"Connect this cache's port to a CPU port"""
        self.cpu_side = cpu_port.dcache_port

    def connectBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave

        #super(L1DCache, self).__init__(options)
        #if not options or not options.l1d_size:
         #   return
        #self.size = options.l1d_size

class L2Cache(Cache):
    """Simple L2 Cache with default values"""

    # Default parameters
    size = '256kB'
    assoc = 8
    tag_latency = 6
    data_latency = 6
    response_latency = 6
    mshrs = 20
    tgts_per_mshr = 12

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(L2Cache, self).__init__()
        #super(L2Cache, self).__init__()
        #if not options or not options.l2_size:
         #   return
        #self.size = options.l2_size

    def connectCPUSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a cpu-side bus"""
        self.cpu_side = bus.master

    def connectMemSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave
# added L3 cache here
class L3Cache(Cache):
    size = '2MB'
    assoc = 16
    tag_latency = 20
    data_latency = 20
    response_latency = 20
    mshrs = 512
    tgts_per_mshr = 20
    write_buffers = 256

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(L3Cache, self).__init__()
        #super(L3Cache, self).__init__()
        #if not options or not options.l2_size:
        #    return
        #self.size = options.l2_size

    def connectCPUSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a cpu-side bus"""
        self.cpu_side = bus.master

    def connectMemSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave

class VCache(Cache):
    size = '16kB'
    assoc = 1
    tag_latency = 2
    data_latency = 2
    response_latency = 2
    mshrs = 4
    tgts_per_mshr = 20
    write_buffers = 256
    prefetcher = TaggedPrefetcher(degree=3)
    tags = LRU()

    def __init__(self, options=None):
        super(VCache, self).__init__()
        #super(L3Cache, self).__init__()
        #if not options or not options.l2_size:
        #    return
        #self.size = options.l2_size

    def connectCPUSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a cpu-side bus"""
        self.cpu_side = bus.master

    def connectMemSideBus(self, bus):
        """"Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
        self.mem_side = bus.slave

    #prefetcher = 'tagged'

class IOCache(Cache):
    assoc = 8
    tag_latency = 50
    data_latency = 50
    response_latency = 50
    mshrs = 20
    size = '1kB'
    tgts_per_mshr = 12
# here to
#    forward_snoops = False
#    is_top_level = True
class PageTableWalkerCache(Cache):
    assoc = 2
    tag_latency = 2
    data_latency = 2
    response_latency = 2
    mshrs = 10
    size = '1kB'
    tgts_per_mshr = 12
# added this line
#    is_top_level = True
    # the x86 table walker actually writes to the table-walker cache
    if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == 'x86':
        is_read_only = False
        is_read_only = True
        # Writeback clean lines as well
        writeback_clean = True
--END Caches.py--

--BEGIN O3_ARM_v7a.py--

from m5.objects import *

# Simple ALU Instructions have a latency of 1
class O3_ARM_v7a_Simple_Int(FUDesc):
    opList = [ OpDesc(opClass='IntAlu', opLat=1) ]
    count = 2

# Complex ALU instructions have a variable latencies
class O3_ARM_v7a_Complex_Int(FUDesc):
    opList = [ OpDesc(opClass='IntMult', opLat=3, pipelined=True),
               OpDesc(opClass='IntDiv', opLat=12, pipelined=False),
               OpDesc(opClass='IprAccess', opLat=3, pipelined=True) ]
    count = 1

# Floating point and SIMD instructions
class O3_ARM_v7a_FP(FUDesc):
    opList = [ OpDesc(opClass='SimdAdd', opLat=4),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdAddAcc', opLat=4),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdAlu', opLat=4),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdCmp', opLat=4),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdCvt', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdMisc', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdShiftAcc', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdSqrt', opLat=9),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatCmp', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatCvt', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatDiv', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatMisc', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatMult', opLat=3),
               OpDesc(opClass='SimdFloatSqrt', opLat=9),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatAdd', opLat=5),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatCmp', opLat=5),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatCvt', opLat=5),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatDiv', opLat=9, pipelined=False),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatSqrt', opLat=33, pipelined=False),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatMult', opLat=4),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatMultAcc', opLat=5),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatMisc', opLat=3) ]
    count = 2

# Load/Store Units
class O3_ARM_v7a_Load(FUDesc):
    opList = [ OpDesc(opClass='MemRead',opLat=2),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatMemRead',opLat=2) ]
    count = 1

class O3_ARM_v7a_Store(FUDesc):
    opList = [ OpDesc(opClass='MemWrite',opLat=2),
               OpDesc(opClass='FloatMemWrite',opLat=2) ]
    count = 1

# Functional Units for this CPU
class O3_ARM_v7a_FUP(FUPool):
    FUList = [O3_ARM_v7a_Simple_Int(), O3_ARM_v7a_Complex_Int(),
              O3_ARM_v7a_Load(), O3_ARM_v7a_Store(), O3_ARM_v7a_FP()]

# Bi-Mode Branch Predictor
class O3_ARM_v7a_BP(BiModeBP):
    globalPredictorSize = 8192
    globalCtrBits = 2
    choicePredictorSize = 8192
    choiceCtrBits = 2
    BTBEntries = 2048
    BTBTagSize = 18
    RASSize = 16
    instShiftAmt = 2

class O3_ARM_v7a_3(DerivO3CPU):
    LQEntries = 16
    SQEntries = 16
    LSQDepCheckShift = 0
    LFSTSize = 1024
    SSITSize = 1024
    decodeToFetchDelay = 1
    renameToFetchDelay = 1
    iewToFetchDelay = 1
    commitToFetchDelay = 1
    renameToDecodeDelay = 1
    iewToDecodeDelay = 1
    commitToDecodeDelay = 1
    iewToRenameDelay = 1
    commitToRenameDelay = 1
    commitToIEWDelay = 1
    fetchWidth = 3
    fetchBufferSize = 16
    fetchToDecodeDelay = 3
    decodeWidth = 3
    decodeToRenameDelay = 2
    renameWidth = 3
    renameToIEWDelay = 1
    issueToExecuteDelay = 1
    dispatchWidth = 6
    issueWidth = 8
    wbWidth = 8
    fuPool = O3_ARM_v7a_FUP()
    iewToCommitDelay = 1
    renameToROBDelay = 1
    commitWidth = 8
    squashWidth = 8
    trapLatency = 13
    backComSize = 5
    forwardComSize = 5
    numPhysIntRegs = 128
    numPhysFloatRegs = 192
    numIQEntries = 32
    numROBEntries = 40

    switched_out = False
    branchPred = O3_ARM_v7a_BP()

# Instruction Cache
class O3_ARM_v7a_ICache(Cache):
    tag_latency = 1
    data_latency = 1
    response_latency = 1
    mshrs = 2
    tgts_per_mshr = 8
    size = '16kB'
    assoc = 2
    is_read_only = True
    # Writeback clean lines as well
    writeback_clean = True

# Data Cache
class O3_ARM_v7a_DCache(Cache):
    tag_latency = 2
    data_latency = 2
    response_latency = 2
    mshrs = 6
    tgts_per_mshr = 8
    size = '64kB'
    assoc = 2
    write_buffers = 16
    # Consider the L2 a victim cache also for clean lines
    writeback_clean = True

# TLB Cache
# Use a cache as a L2 TLB
class O3_ARM_v7aWalkCache(Cache):
    tag_latency = 4
    data_latency = 4
    response_latency = 4
    mshrs = 6
    tgts_per_mshr = 8
    size = '1kB'
    assoc = 8
    write_buffers = 16
    is_read_only = True
    # Writeback clean lines as well
    writeback_clean = True

# L2 Cache
class O3_ARM_v7aL2(Cache):
    tag_latency = 12
    data_latency = 12
    response_latency = 12
    mshrs = 16
    tgts_per_mshr = 8
    size = '256kB'
    assoc = 16
    write_buffers = 8
    prefetch_on_access = True
    clusivity = 'mostly_excl'
 # L2 Cache
class O3_ARM_v7aL3(Cache):
    tag_latency = 20
    data_latency = 20
    response_latency = 20
    mshrs = 512
    tgts_per_mshr = 20
    size = '2MB'
    assoc = 16
    write_buffers = 256
    prefetch_on_access = True
    clusivity = 'mostly_excl'
 # L2 Cache
class O3_ARM_v7aV(Cache):
    tag_latency = 2
    data_latency = 2
    response_latency = 2
    mshrs = 6
    tgts_per_mshr = 20
    size = '16kB'
    assoc = 1
    write_buffers = 256
    # Consider the L2 a victim cache also for clean lines
    writeback_clean = True
    prefetcher = TaggedPrefetcher(degree=3)
    tags = LRU()

--END O3_ARM_v7a.py--

Thank you all for your help.

-Brian Suchy
gem5-users mailing list

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