Hi jason,

I'm using a timing simulation and I checked the writes to the dram
controller after the simulation of leslie3d benchmark suite. I'm still not
sure if the benchmarks were running properly, *How do I know if the
benchmarks ran correctly, *and there are zero writes to mem_ctrls in the
stats file.

This is the command that I used and I got some warning statements like below

build/ALPHA/gem5.opt --outdir=/home/aaron/dramcache/leslie3d_idea
configs/example/se.py --cpu-type=TimingSimpleCPU --caches --l1i_assoc=4
--l1d_assoc=4 --l2cache --l2_size=256kB --l2_assoc=8 --l3cache
--l3_size=16MB --l3_assoc=32 --mem-size=8192MB --bench leslie3d

warn: subt/sud   f12,f22,f11: non-standard trapping mode not supported
warn: mult/sud   f12,f12,f13: non-standard trapping mode not supported
warn: addt/sud   f12,f10,f14: non-standard trapping mode not supported

Sorry not stating the context in which I want to track the dirty pages in
the cache in my earlier mail. I'm trying to implement footprint caching in
DRAM caches, I have a running model of a DRAM cache integrated with
DRAMSim2. And according to the paper [1] , blocks are classified as
referred if they are dirty. This information I need to use when encountered
with further fetching requests to this page. I've implemented all the
required logic for the footprint caching but unable to track the dirty
blocks in the cache. *Any way to track dirty blocks in the caches?*

I will be helpful if you can answer any of the *questions raised*.

[1]: "Die-Stacked DRAM Caches for Servers: Hit Ratio, Latency, or
Bandwidth? Have It All with Footprint Cache"

Thank you

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 10:44 PM, Jason Lowe-Power <ja...@lowepower.com>

> Hi Varun,
> I imagine there are other code paths that writeback dirty data. The cache
> code is pretty complicated so I can't tell you exactly where to look off
> the top of my head. One thing you could do is put an inform (or use debug
> flags) at the memory controller. Here, you can see when there are writes to
> memory (which are cache writebacks).
> Another thing to check is to make sure you're using timing (not atomic)
> simulation.
> Cheers,
> Jason
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 9:20 PM Saivarun R <rsvaru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to track the number of dirty blocks during the simulation. And
>> after running a spec cpu2006 benchmark, calculix, I found that the number
>> of dirty blocks is zero.
>> So I put an inform statement in the function allocateBlock as follows:
>>              if (blk->isDirty() || writebackClean) {
>>              // Save writeback packet for handling by caller
>> // correlate[sector_index]++;
>> // predicted[i] = 1;
>> inform("Block is Dirty");
>>              writebacks.push_back(writebackBlk(blk));
>>             } else {
>>              writebacks.push_back(cleanEvictBlk(blk));
>>             }
>> And through out the simulation not even one block was declared as dirty.
>> What could be reason or is it that blocks are not dirty at all??
>> Can any one help me out with a reason for such an observation?
>> Thank you
>> Varun
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