hi hoang;

yes I did this step; I have uploaded PARSEC 3.0

 here is the download link:


and I followed these steps:

*cp linaro-minimal-aarch64.img expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img*
*$ dd if = / dev / zero bs = 1G count = 20 >>
./expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img # add 20G zeros*
*$ sudo parted expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img resizepart 1 100% # grow
partition 1*
*Mount the expanded disk image, resize it, and copy PARSEC to it:*
*Note: set /path_to_compiled_parsec-3.0_dir/*
*$ mkdir disk_mnt*
*$ name = $ (sudo fdisk -l expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img | tail -1 |
awk -E: '{print $ 1}' | awk -E "" '{print $ 1}')*
*$ start_sector = $ (sudo fdisk -l expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img |
grep $ name | awk -E "" '{print $ 2}')*
*$ units = $ (sudo fdisk -l expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img | grep ^
Units | awk -E "" '{print $ 9}')*
*$ sudo mount -o loop, offset = $ (($ start_sector * $ units))
expanded-linaro-minimal-aarch64.img disk_mnt*
*$ df # find / dev / loopX for disk_mnt*
*$ sudo resize2fs / dev / loopX # resize filesystem*
*$ df # check that the Available space for disk_mnt is increased*
*$ sudo cp -r /path_to_compiled_parsec-3.0_dir/disk_mnt / home / root #
copy the compiled parsec-3.0 to the image*
*$ ls disk_mnt / home / root # check the parsec-3.0 contents*
*$ sudo umount disk_mnt*

with I generate the script of each application (e.g. blacksholes) as
*#! / Bin / bash*

*PARSEC_DIR = "/ home / root / parsec-3.0"*

*source ./env.sh*
*parsecmgmt -a run -p blackscholes -c gcc-hooks -i simsmall -n 2*
*m5 exit*

and I found the previous result.

so if I forgot something or some step please help me to find the solution.

thank you very much;

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