
I am working on an automation tool to help interfacing gem5 and McPAT. The 
rough idea is presented here. According to the follow-up discussion, a fully 
automated translator may not be possible. But presented idea could minimize the 
template-building work by extracting as many gem5 stats as possible. More 
importantly, with proper engineering, this tool could significantly lower the 
learning curve for building a template.

To extract as many stats as possible, I need to go through an inclusive list of 
all stats. For stats, I mean all possible entries in both stats.txt and 
config.json. Which source code should I look to get the list? I have tried 
“src/base/stats/”, “src/python/swig/stats/” and “src/python/m5/stats/”. But I 
could not get an list by scanning through the code.

I think it will also work if I can have both stats.txt and config.json from a 
complex CPU which contains all possible output. Or let me know how to make a 
such CPU? The challenge for me is that I don’t know what are all components I 
can throw into this CPU model.

Thank you,
Yi Shen
gem5-users mailing list

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