The simpoints taken for SPEC CPU 17 are far from the beginning. So, in order to 
be able to take simpoint in a reasonable time frame, I am using the KVM CPU:1) 
Boot with KVM and taking a checkpoint2) Running the application with simpoints 
information as input with KVM CPU and taking the simpoints3) Restoring from 
simpoint with different cpus.
If I use the following command line, the warm up and real simulation will be 
--restore-with-cpu=DerivO3CPU --cpu-type=AtomicSimpleCPU 
restore-simpoint-checkpoint --checkpoint-dir=./simpoints/605.mcf/ -r 1

However, as far as I know, with have to restore from Simpoint with the exact 
CPU that we have taken our Simpoints, in this case, KVM. So, I tried to restore 
with the following command:

--restore-with-cpu=DerivO3CPU --cpu-type=X86KvmCPU restore-simpoint-checkpoint 
--checkpoint-dir=./simpoints/605.mcf/ -r 1

Initially, the simulator complained about indirect branch predictor. Because 
the default indirect branch predictor is not None. After solving that problem, 
simulation freezes and make no progress. Also, I checked different combinations 
for restore-with-cpu and cpu-type, and went through the and, nut still do not know hwo I should restore from simpoints.

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