Greetings Everyone,

I have just downloaded gem5 and compiled Garnet standalone protocol. It
compiled just fine, but when a try to run
configs/example/ the following error is thrown:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "build/NULL/python/m5/", line 438, in main
    exec(filecode, scope)
  File "configs/example/", line 126, in <module>
    Ruby.create_system(options, False, system)
  File "/home/capiedrav/virgin_gem5/gem5/configs/ruby/", line 164,
in create_system
    FileSystemConfig.config_filesystem(system, options)
"/home/capiedrav/virgin_gem5/gem5/configs/common/", line
80, in config_filesystem
    cpus = [obj for obj in system.descendants() if isinstance(obj, BaseCPU)]
NameError: global name 'BaseCPU' is not defined

After comparing in an older version of gem5, I've noticed that two
lines of code were added in the current version of gem5:

This at line 53:
from common import FileSystemConfig

And this one at line 164:
FileSystemConfig.config_filesystem(system, options)

If I comment out those lines and compile again,
configs/example/ runs as expected.

It is OK if I continue working with this configuration, or there are some
side effects that I'm not aware of?

Thanks for your attention.

Carlos A. Piedrahita-Velásquez
Universidad de Antioquia


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