
I have created checkpoints, for SPEC2006 benchmarks, from older GEM5 version (mercurial head id 10500:5e0a421e2031) and I need to import them into the final GEM5 version (git head 4d4c38c7c02aca9922d7f30f2f399bbe94c034eb59).

Unforunately, when I try to run a full system simulation I get the following:
fatal: Can't unserialize 'system.apicbridge:currPwrState'

Is it a checkpoint issue or a configuration issue?
Should I re-create the checkpoints from the latest GEM5 version?

I run the following command:
./build/X86/gem5.opt -i configs/example/fs.py --kernel=kernel_path --disk-image=disk_path --warmup-insts=200000 --maxinsts=1000000 --checkpoint-dir=spec_checkpoints/astar/lakes/ -r 1 --bench=astar_lakes --cpu-type=AtomicSimpleCPU --mem-size=2048MB --restore-with-cpu=DerivO3CPU

Thank you,
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