Hello Everyone,

I have created the checkpoint for booting up Linux image.
My command line is

--dump-config=common_checkpoint_chkpt.ini --redirect-stderr
--stderr-file=common_checkpoint_chkpt.e configs/example/fs.py
--script=./common_checkpoint.rcS --caches --l2cache


my common_checkpoint.rcS is



/sbin/m5 checkpoint

echo "Done :D"

/sbin/m5 exit


I wanted to use this checkpoint and try to run a hello_world benchmark.
So I modify my common_checkpoint.rcS script to



echo "Done :D"

/sbin/m5 exit

And my gem5 command line is
--dump-config=common_checkpoint_chkpt_restore.ini configs/example/fs.py
--restore-with-cpu=AtomicSimpleCPU --cpu-type=DerivO3CPU --caches --l2cache
But my "system.pc.com_1.device" output after restoring  is

Done :D
That is, it did not run the hello_world program!

I have made no changes to gem5, the commit I am using is "

My question is:
Is it not possible to create a common checkpoint and then run the benchmark
using that checkpoint?
Are my steps incorrect to create or restore from the checkpoint?

Best regards,

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