An overview of CPU models can be found at:

Some considerations:

- O3_ARM_v7a was created in 2012, but not by ARM Holding directly.
Cortex-R8 is from 2016. There is no ARM holding O3 particularization
currently, so it is very likely that extra modelling would be needed
there for reasonably correlated simulations.
- The HPI CPU is implemented by ARM Holdings, but note that it was
described by ARM publicly as "The HPI CPU timing model is tuned to be
representative of a modern in-order Armv8-A implementation.", and it
was released in 2017, while A53 is from 2012, so nothing guarantees
that they match.

Therefore, although you have possibly the "best out of the box
options", there is no guarantee that they will be "good enough".

Also, the information to make highly accurate ARM models isn't
generally publicly available, it all depends on how accurate you need
to be and good your guesses are.

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 11:25 PM Vidal, Jake <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to model the ARM Cortex A53 and Cortex R8 processors.
> I am currently using the HPI (A53) and O3_ARM_v7a (R8) gem5 processor models 
> and I was wondering if anyone can provide some pointers on whether these 
> models are appropriate as a starting point.
> Regards,
> Jake Vidal
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