Thanks, Arthur and Giocomon for the feedback.
I tried the suggestions but none of them worked. Let me give you more 
information about each of them:

1) with older image: 
    same panic error as above.

2) with --bare-metal and --param 'system.highest_el_is_64 = True' (but no 
--param 'system.auto_reset_addr_64 =
    command line: ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/ 
 --bare-metal --param 'system.highest_el_is_64 = True'

    warn: iobus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: bridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_port`
    warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    warn: bridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: iobus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    warn: iobridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: iobridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_port`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
    warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range 
assigned (512 Mbytes)
    info: kernel located at: 
    system.vncserver: Listening for connections on port 5900
    system.terminal: Listening for connections on port 3456
    system.realview.uart1.device: Listening for connections on port 3457
    system.realview.uart2.device: Listening for connections on port 3458
    system.realview.uart3.device: Listening for connections on port 3459
    0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
    fatal: fatal condition !system->isMemAddr(mapper(_start)) || 
!system->isMemAddr(mapper(_end)) occurred: Kernel is mapped to invalid location 
(not memory). start (0xffffff8008080000) - end (0xffffff8008aa74b0) 
    Memory Usage: 989592 KBytes

3) Using arm/ fails with same panic message as above

    ./build/ARM/gem5.opt  configs/example/arm/ --kernel 
$M5_PATH/binaries/vmlinux.arm64 --disk-image 
/home/pedro/Projects/gem5/fs_files/ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img  --root 
    gem5 Simulator System.
    gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

    gem5 version
    gem5 compiled Mar 22 2021 12:53:04
    gem5 started Mar 22 2021 15:08:37
    gem5 executing on pedro-upc, pid 12936
    command line: ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/arm/ 
 --disk-image /home/pedro/Projects/gem5/fs_files/ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img 
--root /dev/vda

    warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    warn: iobus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: iobridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_port`
    warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    warn: iobridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: dmabridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_port`
    warn: iobus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
    warn: dmabridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
    Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
    warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range 
assigned (2048 Mbytes)
    info: kernel located at: 
    warn: Highest ARM exception-level set to AArch32 but the workload is for 
AArch64. Assuming you wanted these to match.
    system.vncserver: Listening for connections on port 5900
    system.terminal: Listening for connections on port 3456
    system.realview.uart1.device: Listening for connections on port 3457
    system.realview.uart2.device: Listening for connections on port 3458
    system.realview.uart3.device: Listening for connections on port 3459
    0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
    info: Using bootloader at address 0x10
    info: Using kernel entry physical address at 0x80080000
    warn: DTB file specified, but no device tree support in kernel
    warn: Existing EnergyCtrl, but no enabled DVFSHandler found.
    panic: panic condition !e occurred: Failed to find kernel symbol 'panic'
    Memory Usage: 2562428 KBytes
    Program aborted at tick 0
    Aborted (core dumped)

4) Trying --bare-metal with arm/ does not work because the script 
does not expect that option. So I could not try if it helps.

5) I also downloaded a 32 bit image and pointed that (testing with both 
arm/ and and also pointing the vmlinux.arm (not arm64) and 
had the same panic message.

I'll try to rollback to an older version and see if it works (and at which 
commit things broke). In the meantime, further suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.
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