Hello Gabriel

Thank you for the clarification.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Busnot via gem5-users [mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org] 
Sent: 17 August 2021 09:33
To: gem5-users@gem5.org
Cc: Gabriel Busnot <gabriel.bus...@arteris.com>
Subject: [gem5-users] Re: CHI and Ruby Cache block size

Hi Javed,

First a note about the relationship of classes involved in the CHI model.
The L1 and L2 CHI caches are not derived from python class RubyCache 
corresponding to C++ class CacheMemory. CacheMemory is only responsible for 
managing the memory of the cache, not the protocol that goes around it. L1 and 
L2 CHI caches are 2 configurations of the same Cache_Controller class (same 
name in C++ and Python) generated by SLICC after the "Cache" state machine of 
the CHI protocol. A CacheMemory instance is then an attribute of this 
CHI_Cache_Controller class (composition in OOP).

About the block size, now. Regarding the CHI protocol, it expects the entire 
RubySystem to use the same block size, as all other Ruby protocols released in 
gem5. For convenience, the block size is stored as a static in the RubySystem 
class and accessed from there by many base components of a ruby model: Address, 
DataBlock, AbstractController, RubyPort, etc. The block size effectively is a 
constant global parameter for the whole simulation.

While convenient, this is is both limiting to model more exotic systems, and 
bad OOP practice. Refactoring of this part would be more than welcome, 
including by me ;) Not an easy job, though.

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