The branch you mentioned is at least 2 years out of date.  I recommend you
use the current stable branch instead:, which has
all of the GPU support from the master-gcn3-staging branch (and many more)
integrated into it.  Moreover, to use the GPU model you need to have the
ROCm stack installed, which it doesn't seem like you do based on your reply.

In terms of docker support, you may consider looking here:  The
website you listed is mostly about how to run the CPU models.  I will note
that the GCN3 documentation page does need to be updated though -- the
stable branch now has support for GCN3 and more applications that square
have been tested and released with it.  We will work on updating this
soon.  Nevertheless, the instructions for the docker are correct and you
should be able to use them to get an up-to-date version of gem5 that runs
the GPU model running (the docker also has all the ROCm software installed

Setting that all aside, I am not sure what version of gcc is used in Ubuntu
18, but there are some recent commits that updated gem5 to require gcc >=
7.  If Ubuntu 18 uses an older gcc, I don't think it will work (using the
docker should get around this though).


On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 9:41 PM Kevin KU via gem5-users <>

> Hi, I trying to build the GCN3 with WSL2 Ubuntu18.04, and follow this
> website ""; to
> install all the packages, and download this branch "
> ".
> (I checked the compiler version : gcc-7.5.0 ; python-2.7)
> I don't use docker, because I have no idea where can find the docker image
> you provide.
> Is there any different if I use docker or use WSL2 or install Ubuntu OS on
> computer?
> Thank you for your reply, hope we can solve this soon.
> Best wishes
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