Hi Gabe,

Thanks for the reply.  Actually I have managed to decode the problem before the 
last weekend. Yes, it is actually not due to “finding the sys/mman.h” but 
something very unrelated (“CC” variable wrong).

It seems the configure  made two tries for the conf_13 and conf_14 . First time 
without –lrt and the 2nd try with –lrt which could lead to a success. Can you 
give me a pointer where this logic is in the code base?  I think this is 
interesting which if I know this
Earlier, the issue can be solved earlier.


发件人: Gabe Black [mailto:gabe.bl...@gmail.com]
发送时间: 2022年1月8日 9:29
收件人: gem5 users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
抄送: yaogang <yaogan...@hisilicon.com>
主题: Re: [gem5-users] gem5

Hi Yao, please copy text into emails and don't use screenshots. What SCons is 
doing is that it's trying to compile a small program which includes sys/mman.h, 
links against either no additional library or the "rt" library, and includes a 
call to shm_open().


If that does not compile for some reason, then gem5 will print that message. 
You can find a log of the output of when gem5 tried to compile that program in 
your build directory in build/scons_config.log where you can check for any 
error messages.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by adding it to your path variable, but if 
you mean PATH, that's not how include files are found. Since this also 
potentially tries tries to link against librt, it could be that it finds the 
header just fine but can't link against the library for some reason. In any 
case, if you look at that log file, it should give you an error message which 
will help you get started figuring this out.


On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 2:27 AM yaogang via gem5-users 
<gem5-users@gem5.org<mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org>> wrote:


My gem5 used to work fine but suddenly can not build due to the following 
warning I  think( it will complain shm_open not finding the library)


I set the /usr/include into my path variable and it should be there . I saw 
there is a jira ticket on it but it doesn’t seem to solve the issue 



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