Hi, zhou

I'm also interested in that, and I found a presentation in 2015 workshop which 
has done something about it, I think you can take it as a reference: 




From:"njuwulizhou--- via gem5-users"< gem5-users@gem5.org &gt;;

Date:2022/4/8 13:12

To:"gem5-users"< gem5-users@gem5.org &gt;;

CC:"njuwulizhou"< njuwuliz...@gmail.com &gt;;

Subject:[gem5-users] Multi-thread simulation support in gem5

Hi Jason and all,
We are looking for methods to speed up our gem5 simulations. 
One of the methods we are very interested in is multi-threaded simulation 
exploiting the multi-core resources in our host computers. 
Howerver, it seems that the current version of gem5 is basically 
single-threaded, no matter how complex your simulated systems are. &nbsp;
It does not provide an option for mult-threaded simulations.

I was wondering if providing such a multi-threaded simulation functionality in 
gem5 is in your to-do list? 
If we would like to contribute to this project, do you have any &nbsp;rough 
idea how to implement it and how much efforts are needed?

I noticed there was a plan for parallel m5 ten years ago on the link below.
But it seems this task had started for a couple of years but never completed.
What is the reason behind?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
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