The correct result is below:

average_packet_latency = 15.510408 
average_packet_latency = 15.528615
average_packet_latency = 15.682214
average_packet_latency = 15.695504
average_packet_latency = 15.769957
average_packet_latency = 15.821728
average_packet_latency = 15.912262
average_packet_latency = 16.051925
average_packet_latency = 16.167249
average_packet_latency = 16.319634
average_packet_latency = 16.479105
average_packet_latency = 16.725313
average_packet_latency = 17.055812
average_packet_latency = 17.588959
average_packet_latency = 18.500431 
average_packet_latency = 21.669417
average_packet_latency = 103.241365
average_packet_latency = 273.002675
average_packet_latency = 430.695013
average_packet_latency = 596.634683
average_packet_latency = 732.220679
average_packet_latency = 854.214438
average_packet_latency = 969.032975
average_packet_latency = 1087.468352
average_packet_latency = 1207.588344

1.gem5 version is v21.2.1.0 command is ??scons build/NULL/gem5.opt -j 4" command is below and the "--injection-rate" is increasing with step=0.02

Command to Run: 
configs/example/ \ 
--network=garnet2.0 \ 
--num-cpus=64 \ 
--num-dirs=64 \ 
--topology=Mesh_XY \ 
--mesh-rows=8 \ 
--sim-cycles=10000 \ 
--inj-vnet=0 \ 
--injectionrate=0.02 \ 

I find some interesting phenomenons.
I think I figured out where the problem might be.
It might be the permission error and the build order.
I built "X86","ARM","NULL" on my old computer before,so I try to restore it all.
Then I find the miss folder "__pycache__" come out,I think I'm going to get 
close to the root of the problem.
But I failed.
I rebuild a same version gem5 on my new computer with the command"??scons 
build/Garnet_standalone/gem5.opt -j 4" under the root state.
Then I run the same script,I get the correct output.(I can see the 
average_packet_latency is increasing with the --injectionrate)
Although I get the desired output, I can't figure out why I get the wrong 

------------------ ???????? ------------------
                                               "The gem5 Users mailing list"    
????????:&nbsp;2022??9??20??(??????) ????7:40

????:&nbsp;[gem5-users] Re: ??????Re: Different simulation results on different 
computers with the same configuration

Not sure to understand what you mean by ??correct result".

Can you please provide us with:

gem5 version (commit SHA)

build command

run command

Can you please also double-check that you are using supported versions of 
python and gcc/clang. Also check that config.ini is the same in all cases.

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