On 1/6/2023 1:27 PM, Jason Lowe-Power via gem5-users wrote:
Hi Eliot,

Unfortunately, I don't have a direct answer for you. However, I want to say that I appreciate you keeping the mailing list updated with your progress!

Thank you for the encouragement, Jason!

At this point I probably need to set it aside for a bit.
I see two ways forward.  One is to port the rest of my
changes forward into release 22 and see if the problem
still occurs.  Another is to add more instrumentation
(debug flags, or debug prints) that can help narrow
down the sequence of events and what it is that is not
happening to allow that micro-op to run.

I don't *think* it has to do with my changes to the
caches, which mostly have to do with bulk cleaning
operations such as wbnoinvd, but it's hard absolutely
to rule out that I did not cause some collateral damage
that is revealed by this behavior.

Best - Eliot

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