Hi Ayaz,


yes, my goal is to analyze the execution of multiple independent workloads on a 
single hardware platform. Additionally, I need to be able to either adapt these 
workloads or add new workloads during the simulation, because the execution 
(results) of a workloads can influence when other workloads should be simulated.


Best regards,



Von: Ayaz Akram <yazak...@ucdavis.edu> 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2023 11:12
An: Sebastian Weber <sebastian.we...@fzi.de>
Cc: The gem5 Users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
Betreff: Re: [gem5-users] Re: Interactive simulation with statistics per 


Hi Sebastian,


I don't think you can collect per-binary statistics (at least without changes 
in gem5 and potentially the guest OS) while simulating them simultaneously in a 
full-system simulation. Also, I am assuming you want to study the interaction 
of multiple workloads, and that's why you do not want to run multiple 
independent simulations (gem5 processes). Please, let me know if that is not 
your use case.




On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 11:45 PM Sebastian Weber < 
<mailto:sebastian.we...@fzi.de> sebastian.we...@fzi.de> wrote:

Hi Ayaz,


is it possible to use gem5 in the way described in my previous mail? I need to 
be able to dynamically add binaries to the current workload of gem5 while other 
binaries are still running and to get statistics specific for single binaries, 
despite multiple binaries being executed simultaneously.


Best regards,



Von: Sebastian Weber via gem5-users <gem5-users@gem5.org 
<mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org> > 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2023 14:51
An: Ayaz Akram < <mailto:yazak...@ucdavis.edu> yazak...@ucdavis.edu>; The gem5 
Users mailing list < <mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org> gem5-users@gem5.org>
Cc: Sebastian Weber < <mailto:sebastian.we...@fzi.de> sebastian.we...@fzi.de>
Betreff: [gem5-users] Re: Interactive simulation with statistics per executable


Hi Ayaz,


thank you for your quick response. My goal is to be able to initiate the 
execution of a binary in a FS simulation independently of currently running 
binaries, so I can’t use exit events. Keeping the control in the python script 
should be possible by only simulating a certain amount of cycles each step and 
managing the simulation between these steps, but I can’t change the workload 
from the python script without having to start another simulation. A predefined 
workload (board.set_kernel_disk_workload(…)) won’t work therefore.


Best regards,



Von: Ayaz Akram < <mailto:yazak...@ucdavis.edu> yazak...@ucdavis.edu> 
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2023 23:17
An: The gem5 Users mailing list < <mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org> 
Cc: Sebastian Weber < <mailto:sebastian.we...@fzi.de> sebastian.we...@fzi.de>
Betreff: Re: [gem5-users] Interactive simulation with statistics per executable


Hi Sebastian,


I use [2] as starting point but I can’t change workloads in the python script 
and rerun the simulation because this would simulate another system instead of 
simulating another executable in the same system.


Going to python script should not simulate another system, rather once you go 
back to the simulation loop your simulation will resume from the point where it 


One way of what you are trying to achieve is to execute m5 utility (with the 
exit input for example, more on m5:  
https://www.gem5.org/documentation/general_docs/m5ops/) in the guest whenever 
one benchmark has finished. This will take stop the simulation and take the 
control to the python script where you can dump the stats (m5.stats.dump()), 
and then resume the simulation to execute the next benchmark. I will suggest 
taking a look at the following example script:












On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:46 AM Sebastian Weber via gem5-users < 
<mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org> gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:



I am trying to use the current version of gem5 in full system mode 
interactively (--interactive) to be able to dump or reset statistics while 
connecting to the simulated console with m5term [1] (--listener-mode) to 
trigger the execution of executables. The goal is using gem5 in a co-simulation 
and being able to execute (multiple) binaries at arbitrary points in time 
during the simulation and getting binary-specific statistics after their 
execution. I use [2] as starting point but I can’t change workloads in the 
python script and rerun the simulation because this would simulate another 
system instead of simulating another executable in the same system. At the 
moment I am not able to trigger the execution of binaries with m5term and 
getting the statistics with the interactive mode, instead I always get empty 
statistics. My question is whether this setup of gem5 and m5term is able to 
generate statistics and if so, how to get them?


Best regards,

Sebastian Weber


[1]  <https://www.gem5.org/documentation/general_docs/fullsystem/m5term> 




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