Right now my controller object just intended to work as wrapper for icache
( when I could ensure that I could take request from cpu and send it to
icache and vice versa, I'll start working on my main target).

my simple script:

> ## import librarie

#########   Parameters ##########
> #Memory
> L1Cache = "32KiB"   # same size data and instruction cache
> Asso_L1 = 4         # associativity
> Asso_L2 = 8
> L2Cache = "256KiB"      # 8 times of L1
> L3Cache = "4096KiB"     #16 times of L2
> DRAM_size = "2GiB"
> ## config for interconnect netowrk
> number_of_cpu = 2
> ClkFreq = "3GHz"
> isa=ISA.X86
> ##################################

>     kvm_required=True,
> )

> cache_hierarchy =
> PrivateL1SharedL2CacheHierarchy(l1d_size=L1Cache,l1i_size=L1Cache,l2_size=L2Cache,l1d_assoc=Asso_L1,l1i_assoc=Asso_L1,l2_assoc=Asso_L2)
> memory = SingleChannelDDR3_1600(DRAM_size)
> processor = SimpleProcessor( cpu_type=CPUTypes.O3,
> num_cores=number_of_cpu,isa=isa)
> board = SimpleBoard(clk_freq=ClkFreq, processor=processor, memory=memory,
> cache_hierarchy=cache_hierarchy)

> #simulation setup

> binary = BinaryResource('/path/to/binary')
> board.set_se_binary_workload(binary)

> #simulation start
> simulator = Simulator(board=board)
> simulator.run()

In PrivateL1SharedL2CacheHierarchy(), I changed L1ICache with
L1PrivateCtrl() which takes same argument as l1icache

self.l1icaches = [
>             L1PrivateCtrl(
>                 icache_size=self._l1i_size,
>                 icache_assoc=self._l1i_assoc,
>                 icache_writeback_clean=False,
>             )
>             for i in range(board.get_processor().get_num_cores())
>         ]

My L1PrivateCtrl is a library for my L1PrivateController simobject which
has CacheParams icache_param as a local variable. For now, it just takes
parameters for cache, assigns them in icache_param manually and
instantiates cache objects with icache_param argument. Right now, I'm just
trying to implement my controller object to work as an intermediary between
cpu and icache.

On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 2:37 PM Jason Lowe-Power <ja...@lowepower.com>

> Hi Shaikhul,
> I think that you have somehow unset the `assoc` parameter (or set it to
> None) in the cache. Can you provide us the exact script you're running, the
> command line that you use to run, the information about the gem5 build
> (variant used), the version of gem5 you're using, and any modifications you
> have made to gem5?
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 1:13 PM Khan Shaikhul Hadi via gem5-users <
> gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:
>> I have my dedicated controller module that have L1Icache as member
>> function (I want to interfere with all incoming and outgoing request and
>> response from cache and may modify based on some algorithm) with similler
>> parameter and port structure.  In PrivateL1SharedL2CacheHierarchy cache
>> hierarchy, I wanted to change the L1Cache with This Controller module. When
>> I run my configuration, I encountered this error:
>> Error in unproxying param 'assoc' of board.cache_hierarchy.l1icaches0.tags
>> AttributeError: Can't resolve proxy 'assoc' of type 'Int' from
>> 'board.cache_hierarchy.l1icaches0.tags'
>> Anyone have any idea how I could solve this?
>> Note: To me it seems like, gem5 trying to create the structure of the
>> system where the board trying to find the l1icaches0 directory and trying
>> to get tag value from there. I could not find where it was happening. Also,
>> I have found some questions where others faced the same type of error ( not
>> exactly the same error) and creating a subsystem may resolve it. But I
>> could not find any resources on how this subsystem structure works in gem5
>> and how to make your own subsystem. Any known resources on that?
>> Best
>> Shaikhul
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