On 1/2/2024 9:28 AM, saras nanda via gem5-users wrote:
Hi Everyone ,

I am doing a full system simulation on ARM using fs_bigLITTLE.py and fs_power.py , I am trying to import numpy library in my python script but it takes 3-4 days and is still running but the library is not imported , how can I speedup this , once I import I can checkpoint but somehow its very slow and takes a really long time.please provide me some suggestions on this.

You can run to checkpoint using a simple and fast cpu model,
such as the atomic simple cpu.  Then you can run after checkpoint
with a more complex cpu model.  Of course, the system may already
be doing that for you.

Another possible issue is whether you're firing up a gazillion
server processes in the OS.  Trimming down the boot sequence
helped me save a lot.


Eliot Moss
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