In your previous mail you wrote:

   Since Traceroute is not a standard, but rather an application, it
   has several implementations.  Indeed, the UNIX implementation uses
   UDP messages - this is also described in RFC 2151 (informational).
   The windows implementation of Traceroute, on the other hand, uses
   ICMP Echo messages, see:
=> perhaps I over interpreted the first case of RFC 1812
but as there is no real and stable definition of what is an ICMP
error message (something fixed in ICMPv6) I am afraid there are
some router implementations which just never send an ICMP error
message at the result of receiving a ICMP Echo Request with TTL=1
(if you believe this should have been noticed there are so many
reasons to get partial results from traceroute/tracert...)

   So I think maybe the draft should explain that Traceroute is an
   application that has more than one implementation, and that it can
   be implemented with either UDP or ICMP messages. Does this make
=> yes but if you detail the mechanism I really suggest to describe
the UDP version.

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