Comment-on-comments below. I now have one new action item.

--Paul Hoffman

On Apr 7, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Ben Campbell <> wrote:

> Hi, thanks for the quick response. Comments inline; sections that do not seem 
> to need further comment are deleted, and marked with "[...]"
> Thanks!
> Ben.
> On Apr 5, 2014, at 8:10 PM, Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
> [...]
>>> -- Section 1, paragraph 2:
>>> I find it confusing that we have two drafts in parallel, one for V2 that is 
>>> obsoleted by this draft, and this draft for V3. With this draft copying 
>>> much of V2 forward, which is authoritative?
>> Both. the v2 draft is authoritative for that version of the format (which is 
>> still in use); this draft will be definitive for v3 when v3 is implemented. 
>> Unlike a regular protocol, this format is not going to be immediately 
>> implemented when the draft goes to the RFC Editor.
> It's not clear to me that updates to "regular protocols" always get 
> immediately implemented, at least not to the point of immediately replacing 
> older version.  Especially we we are talking about formally incrementing 
> version numbers.
> I think my real question is whether V3 really obsoletes V2 in the usual 
> sense. Do we allow further updates (e.g. an "updates" draft with bug fixes) 
> to V2 once it becomes an RFC? If so, do those updates, assuming they impact 
> "common" parts, affect V3? Would that be automatic, or would V3 require a 
> parallel update? Do we intend to allow V2 to evolve independently of V3?

All good questions. I'll open a thread on rfc-interest with the question, but I 
strongly suspect it will end up having a non-answer.

>>> -- 1.1, entry for <tident>
>>> THANK YOU!!!! I think faking indented text using the <list> work around was 
>>> one of the most annoying things about previous versions.
>> Hrm; I'm not used to seeing that in GenArt reviews. :-)
>> And, to be fair, lots of the new features have been suggested by many people 
>> on the RFC Editor's design team and in the bigger community.
> Okay, change that to THANK Y'ALL!!!!
>>> --2.2:
>>> Can I have more than one of any given address sub-element? If so, how 
>>> should it render?
>> Yep; unclear. There are a lot of things in this draft (and the in the v2 
>> draft) where the rendering is undefined. We may or may not clarify those in 
>> the doc before we are finished; if not, it will be up to the programmers.
> I accept that different rendering decisions might be okay. But would you also 
> leave whether a specific sub-element can be repeated to the implementors? 
> Seem like that could lead to xml2rfc "code" that is correct for one processor 
> but incorrect for another.

Nope. The format is the format: it allows multiple sub-elements, and it would 
be wrong for a processor to reject an input based on that. It is probably fine 
for a processor to not render them all, although it would be better if it 
issued a warning. It would be best if we had rules for how processors should 
render each entity, but we haven't gone to that level of detail yet.

> [...]
>>> -- 2.7:
>>> It seems like <b> (and also <i>)  is just as much format dependent as 
>>> things like <width>. Wouldn't something like <em> be more useful for this 
>>> purpose, where you have an abstract concept of emphasis that can be 
>>> rendered differently for different formats?
>> In some senses, yes, but given that we know the main expected types of 
>> non-canonical output (HTML, PDF, EPUB), they all handle bold and italic and 
>> fixed-width fonts just fine. There are plenty of people who would think that 
>> "emphasis" means bold, and plenty who would think it means "italic".
>>> This seems like a place where our use cases are different than those for 
>>> HTML, where markup is usually rendered by browsers that have similar font 
>>> display capabilities.
>> No, our use cases very much align with HTML here: that's a design choice.
> Well, HTML _does_ have <em>. I realize it's not very useful in HTML, since 
> you rarely render HTML to a format that can't do bold or italics. But to test 
> the assertion, do you consider typesetting a common use case for HTML? Is it 
> not one for xml2rfc?

No to both.

>>> In particular, what happens to <b>text<.b> when rendered into ASCII text?
>> Nothing. Just like today, there is a lot of formatting that is lost in the 
>> text output.
> There are some common conventions here; they just seemed to have fallen by 
> the wayside. For example, a title of a long-format work gets italicized when 
> that's supported, but underlined on an old fashioned typewriter. There are 
> more modern simulations like _this_ and *this*.  
> OTOH, I guess an ascii rendering processor could make those same choices for 
> <i> and <b> as well as for <em>, so maybe I just countered my own argument.

That was my first reaction. :-)

> But from a typesetting perspective, abstractions like <em> allow one to 
> separate the intent of the author ("I want this to be emphasized") from the 
> intent of the editor/publisher.("This is how our 'style' renders emphasis.")

In an ideal world where authors understood typesetting, yes. That's the world I 
began work in 35 years ago. (Cue the DEC formatting language theme music...) 
But that's not what is typical among IETF authors who are, not surprisingly, 
often literal-minded and goal-oriented.

>>> -- 2.9:
>>> Why does the "cite" attribute have different requirements than, say, xref? 
>>> In particular, why wouldn't I want to cite a reference in the current doc, 
>>> rather than a URL?
>> It can do both: the URL can be a fragment that points to a reference in the 
>> current doc.
> How would you do that? Is there a way to construct a URL that points to an 
> xml2rfc anchor?

<blockquote cite="#anchorname">, I believe.

>>> -- 2.9.1:
>>> How would one reference an auto generated anchor identifier? If it doesn't 
>>> exist until processing time...?
>> Correct, so you can't. You can only use "target" attributes to named anchors.
> If you can't reference an auto-generated anchor, why do you have them? What 
> else do you do with anchors?

After the RFC is published, other documents can reference the anchor. 
Currently, the document only specifies this for <blockquote> and <cref>, but it 
has been mentioned for other elements as well.

>>> --2.33.2
>>> Is it possible to continue numbering from a previous list?
>> Not directly.
> I may be misreading it, but doesn't V2 support number continuation with the 
> "counter" attribute of <list>? If so, is the intent to remove that capability?

Yes and yes. Each list is free-standing. The need for continued numbering 
between lists in v2 is mostly obviated by allowing <t> in lists in v3. The 
semantics of "here is a second list whose numbers don't start at 1" are 
unclear, and we're trying to make v3 more semantically clearer. 

> [...]
>>> -- 2.44.2:
>>> Why are numberless subsections disallowed?
>> If it was a sub-section, the heading could easily be mistaken for free text.
>>> It's pretty common to see documents that have non-numbered sub-heads inside 
>>> numbered sections.
>> Those are probably "notes" and such, not real sections. Do you see a need 
>> for these? It's certainly possible to have them, but they seem more 
>> confusing than necessary to me.
> I've seen docs (not necessarily RFCs), that did something like this:
> 1. Heading
> 1.1 Subhead
> 1.1.1 Minor Subhead
> (no number) Really Minor Subhead
> I think the idea is to label deep sub-topics without the clutter of 
> Is it _necessary_? Probably not. But that's the use case I immediately 
> envisioned when I thought about the ability to suppress numbering. 

Noted. I'd prefer to make all levels headings numbered if that's the overall 

> [...]
>>> -- 5, security considerations
>>> I wonder if the possibility of executable content existing in an RFC or 
>>> draft is worth mention here? For an extreme example, see RFC6716, Appendix 
>>> A. But more realistically, 2.5.5 mentions the possibility of in-lined 
>>> binary content, and 2.5.6 allows the identification of code in a way that a 
>>> naive processor implementation might take as an invitation to interpret 
>>> said code.
>> Yup, and (as above) I added a paragraph about this.
>>> Also, does the need for a processor to potentially render binary content in 
>>> general (in-lined or otherwise) expand the attack surface over that for 
>>> previous versions of XML2RFC?
>> Not in any way I can think of.
> For example (just thinking "out loud"), if a processor could insert JPEG 
> artwork, does it need to worry about buffer overflow attacks on the JPEG 
> format, as well as attacks on the xml itself? If so, does it matter if the 
> artwork was in-lined vs referenced? 

Um, maybe. I'm not at all sure how to word a security consideration about that 
that would be more useful than "a processor should not be stupid when doing 

> [...]
>>> -- 2.48, Content Model:
>>> It might be worth marking deprecated elements. Otherwise a reader may not 
>>> follow the xref to discover a legal child element is deprecated.
>> These are automatically generated, and marking the deprecated ones is 
>> probably really really hard. We thought of this and punted.
> Okay.

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