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Document: draft-ietf-ipsecme-ddos-protection-09

     Multi-Path Time Synchronization

Reviewer: Lucy Yong

Review Date: 23-Sept-2016

IETF LC End Date: 28-Sept-2016

IESG Telechat date: 29-Sept-2016

Summary: This document is nearly ready for publication as a standard track RFC. 
Some minor comments. Some nits need to be corrected.

PS: comment for IESG. The document specifies puzzles approach and related 
protocol to boost the difficulty for DDoS attacks. The protocol description is 
simple and short; however it spends many pages (section 7) to describe the 
processes at the Initiator and the Responder. Maybe in future IETF can consider 
accepting protocol software code in a RFC. This will be easier for author and 
no need for programmers to read the description and program it (sure they will 
not come out the same program logic).

Major issues: N/A

Minor issues:

Section 1: 2nd paragraph, bot-nets,

Comment: what is the bot-nets?

Section, 1st paragraph

Comment: "that must be used", should it be "that MUST be used" or "that is 

Nits/editorial comments:

Section 6:

s/the puzzle difficulty should/the puzzle difficulty SHOULD/

s/This will This will/This will/

Section 7.1

s/the IKE Responder should/the IKE Responder SHOULD/
s/that puzzles/puzzles/

s/next to/nearly/
s/the level should/the level SHOULD/

s/with another, and negotiate/with another and negotiate/
s/an SA payload, containing/an SA payload containing/
s/this type must/this type MUST/

s/should/SHOULD/ (3 places)
s/may continue to generate/MAY continually generate/

Section 7.1.3
s/the solution to the puzzle contain/the puzzle solution contains/
s/i.e./i.e.,/ (2 places)

Section 7.1.4
s/must/MUST/ (2 places)

Section 7.2
s/The Responder should/The Responder SHOULD/

Section 7.2.2
s/message, containing/message containing/

Section 7.2.4
s/operations i.e.  computing/operations, i.e., computing/

Section 8.1
s/PRF must/PRF MUST/

Section 9
s/Initiators should/Initiators SHOULD/

Section 10
s/Care must/Care MUST/

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