Hi Steward,

Please see inline.

> ---
>> SB> You introduce Ta, but it would be so much kinder to the reader to 
>> SB> give it a real name.
> Ta was defined in RFC 5245, and it's commonly used in ICE-related 
> discussions, so I think it would cause confusion to change the name at 
> this point.
> I understand. Maybe some words to explain it a little. Perhaps "the foo timer 
> known in this technology as Ta" of something similar.
>>> You say "Let HTO" again a user friendly name would be helpful to the 
>>> new reader
>> The name was provided by transport people that provided text. As it¹s 
>> similar to RTO, I¹d like to keep it.
> I see what you are doing. You could however give it a name and say known as 
> HTO. A name just makes it easier to remember what it does.

First, I am not sure which generic timer Ta could be associated with. Ta is 
very ICE specific, as it controls the STUN/TURN transactions. 

Section says:

   "The gathering process is controlled using a timer, Ta.  Every time Ta
   expires, the agent can generate another new STUN or TURN transaction."

Would it help if I added the timer descriptions to the Terminology section? 
Something like:

Timer Ta:       The timer for generating new STUN or TURN transactions.
Timer RTO:      The retransmission timer for a given STUN or TURN transaction.
Timer HTO:      The timeout timer for a given STUN or TURN transaction. 


>>> Appendix B is great, particularly from section B5 onwards. It would 
>>> be great to forward reference this to help the reader understand the 
>>> normative text earlier in the document.
>> Any particular place where you would like to have the reference? In the 
>> Introduction?
> Yes a heads up to to Appendix in the Intro would be useful, the a pointer to 
> the specific section 
> when you first introduce a parameter doing something in the protocol.

What about adding the following new paragraph to the end of the Introduction.

"[REF-to-Appendix-B] provide background information and motivations regarding 
the design
decisions that were made when designing ICE."


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