Reviewer: Russ Housley
Review result: Ready with Nits

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Document: draft-ietf-netconf-nmda-restconf-04
Reviewer: Russ Housley
Review Date: 2018-06-28
IETF LC End Date: 2018-07-09
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary: Ready

Major Concerns:


Minor Concerns:

The last paragraph of Section 3.1 says:

   If a server implements the example datastore "ds-ephemeral" in the
   module "example-ds-ephemeral", it would implement the resource

It is unclear to me why this datastore is not included in the bullets
at the beginning of the section.  Obviously, it is optional to
implement, but so are two of the datastores that are included in
the list.

The last bullet of Section 3.2 says that [RFC8040], Section 3.5.4,
paragraph 3 does not apply when interacting with any resource under
{+restconf}/ds.  The referenced paragraph says:

   If the target of a GET method is a data node that represents a leaf
   or leaf-list that has a default value and the leaf or leaf-list has
   not been instantiated yet, the server MUST return the default value
   or values that are in use by the server.  In this case, the server
   MUST ignore its "basic-mode", described in Section 4.8.9, and return
   the default value.

I suspect that this paragraph does not apply because the leaf and
leaf-list will always be instantiated.  A sentence to say one way or
the other would be useful to the implementer.


There is a missing ')' in the last paragraph of Section 5.

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