Thanks Vijay for your last feedback. I’m fine with your proposal and have 
updated the I-D accordingly (v-07):


De : Vijay Gurbani [] 
Envoyé : lundi 5 novembre 2018 17:45
Cc :;;;
Objet : Re: Genart last call review of 

Dear Marianne: Thank you for attending to my comments.

I am fine with the text you added for S1.3.

Regarding "secase" and "regstate" being existing parameters, ok.  However, 
since the I-D is defining the "orig-cdiv" parameter, I still think it makes 
sense to mention this before S4.  You already have the text at the end of S1.3 
(the current sentence appears ambiguous).  Let me suggest an edit:

For this use case, this document creates a new parameter for the
   originating after CDIV session case to be embedded in the P-Served-
   User header field.

For this use case, this document creates a new parameter ("orig-cdiv") for the
   originating call leg to be embedded in the P-Served-User header field.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 10:30 AM <> wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks Vijay for the GenArt review.
I've just submitted a v-06 to address your comments and here is my feedbacks:

>- S1.3: I am not sure I follow the logic in the problem statement.  Who
> is the "diverting" user?  The user to who the call was destined?  If so,
> best to say that explicitly.  (To be sure, I looked into rfc5502 as well,
> and it does not define "diverting" user either.)  A bit below (in S4), you  
> use the term "served" user to refer to the diverting user.  All in all, the  
> terminology here could be refined.  I suspect that the "originating" user 
> is the callee.  
> Concretely, I think that the first paragraph of S1.3 should be re-written,
> perhaps with a figure (?) to explain the call flow, or at least some
> context using Alice, Bob and Carol as the example in S7.1 does (I suspect
> that Carol is the "diverting" user here).

[MM] Indeed, I can see that for people not very aware of IETF and 3GPP 
vocabulary for call diversion service, it can be confusing. I prefer not to add 
a call flow in the problem statement section but I did some updates in the 
wording and inserted the Alice, Bob and Carol users for a better understanding. 

>Nits, typos:
>- S4, step 3: s/user an INVITE that/user as an INVITE that/
> Also, the "secase" and "regstate" parameters are what you are standardizing
> this I-D, as such you mention this before S4 so the reader knows that 
> these are the new parameters.  Same for "orig-cdiv" parameter.

[MM] Nits is corrected. About your comment, actually, this I-D is only 
standardizing "orig-cdiv" parameter. This is the reason why "sescase" and 
"regstate" appear, as part of a normal session establishment and before any 
call diversion while the new parameter can appear only when this event occurs 
(as added by this I-D).. I hope it's clearer for you.

I hope it's ok.

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Vijay Gurbani [] 
Envoyé : lundi 29 octobre 2018 21:50
À :
Cc :;;
Objet : Genart last call review of 

Reviewer: Vijay Gurbani
Review result: Almost Ready

I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
like any other last call comments.

For more information, please see the FAQ at


Document: draft-ietf-sipcore-originating-cdiv-parameter-??
Reviewer: Vijay K. Gurbani
Review Date: 2018-10-29
IETF LC End Date: 2018-10-26
IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

Major issues: 0

Minor issues: 1 

Nits/editorial comments: 1


- S1.3: I am not sure I follow the logic in the problem statement.  Who
 is the "diverting" user?  The user to who the call was destined?  If so,
 best to say that explicitly.  (To be sure, I looked into rfc5502 as well,
 and it does not define "diverting" user either.)  A bit below (in S4), you  
 use the term "served" user to refer to the diverting user.  All in all, the  
 terminology here could be refined.  I suspect that the "originating" user 
 is the callee.  

 Concretely, I think that the first paragraph of S1.3 should be re-written,
 perhaps with a figure (?) to explain the call flow, or at least some
 context using Alice, Bob and Carol as the example in S7.1 does (I suspect
 that Carol is the "diverting" user here).

Nits, typos:

- S4, step 3: s/user an INVITE that/user as an INVITE that/
 Also, the "secase" and "regstate" parameters are what you are standardizing
 this I-D, as such you mention this before S4 so the reader knows that 
 these are the new parameters.  Same for "orig-cdiv" parameter.


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