On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 20:23, Dale R. Worley <wor...@ariadne.com> wrote:
> Erik Kline <ek=40google....@dmarc.ietf.org> writes:
> > Nits/editorial comments: I can't help but wonder if an example or two 
> > wouldn't
> > round out the document.  But maybe leaptofrogans: URIs/IRIs aren't amenable 
> > to
> > constructing an example?
> I agree in principle with this.  Looking at reference [IFAP], here are
> two examples:
>     leaptofrogans:mynetwork*mysite
>     leaptofrogans:my-network*MySite
> The syntax of frogan addresses is very carefully specified, but most of
> the work seems to revolve around using Unicode well:  Frogans are fully
> internationalized, so there's a lot of work in [IFAP] specifying how to
> use Unicode so that an address aligns with the intuitive sense of "a
> text string".
> But beyond the fact that a frogan address is split into two parts by a
> "*" character, there isn't much syntax that's easily displayed by a
> series of ASCII examples.

I understand about the limitations of the current RFC format w.r.t.
non-ASCII characters (but I suspect you wouldn't want to wait for the
new format to be readily available :-).

FWIW I think those two examples would be perfectly fine.  They may not
seem overly expressive or especially illustrative, but including them
might scratch an itch for some readers.

But it's certainly not anything worth holding up publication for, IMHO.

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