> > [3] Naive question: do we want a statement about reserving/agreeing to never
> > allocate "example" in the .well-known space?
> Good question! I'm neutral on this; does anyone have strong feelings?

I wouldn't say my feelings are strong, but I think it's unnecessary.
The reason we have IP addresses and domain names set aside for example
use is that otherwise anything we put in documents might wind up in
actual use and result in nuisance traffic or worse.  If we publish an
example of .well-known in some document and decide to use "frobozz"
for the example, and "frobozz" some day winds up in actual use, what's
the harm.

Also, how useful is it to have exactly one example string?  Maybe we'd
need to assign anything that begins with "example-" as a reserved
string.  And then we're not far from "X-", and we know where that got


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