
> Thank you very much for your review.  I agree with all of your comments
> save one, I'll publish a new revision taking your comments into account as
> soon as possible.
>>   ...  A node SHOULD NOT send triggered updates
>>   for other reasons, such as when there is a minor fluctuation in a
>>   route's metric, when the selected next hop changes, or to propagate a
>>   new sequence number (except to satisfy a request, as specified in
>>   Section 3.8).
>> This seem backwards to me.  Perhaps:
>>   ...  The node MUST send triggered updates to satisfy a request, as
>>   specified in Section 3.8; however, a node SHOULD NOT send
>>   triggered updates for other reasons, including a minor fluctuation
>>   in a metric for a route, the selected next hop changes, or to
>>   propagate a new sequence number.
> I disagree.  The requirement to send triggered updates is already present
> in, we should not repeat it.  This section is concerned with
> avoiding excessive noise.

I defer to your experience.


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