Thanks, Joel, for taking the time to review this!


On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 10:23 PM Joel Halpern via Datatracker <> wrote:

> Reviewer: Joel Halpern
> Review result: Ready with Nits
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
> like any other last call comments.
> For more information, please see the FAQ at
> <>.
> Document: draft-klensin-idna-unicode-review-02
> Reviewer: Joel Halpern
> Review Date: 2019-08-08
> IETF LC End Date: 2019-08-30
> IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat
> Summary: THis document is ready for publication as a Proposed Standard
>     This reviewer found the document quite readable and clear about what
> it was
>     doing (with one minor issue noted below.)  The reviewer does not have
> the
>     background to evaluate whether the technical substance is correct or
>     incorrect, and leaves that to the community review.  The document is
> quite
>     persuasive.
> Major issues: N/A
> Minor issues:
>     I would like to see a little more explicit text in section 3.2.  It
> was not
>     until I reached the IANA considerations (section 8) that I realized
> that
>     section 3.2 intended to mandate that the IESG create and where
> applicable
>     use a broad review team for the new code point review.  I think a
> sentence
>     or so along the lines of "Creation of this team when needed is a new
>     responsibility placed on the IESG by this document." would have helped.
> Nits/editorial comments: N/A
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