Robert, thank you for your review. Take, thank you for addressing Robert’s 
comments. I entered a No Objection ballot.


> On Jul 20, 2019, at 12:26 PM, Takeshi Takahashi 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thank you very much for your kind feedbacks.
> All comments are very much appreciated.
> The revised version of the draft is available at: 
> Below are the replies to each of your comments.
>> Minor Issues:
>> * Section 2.2.5 says "base64 ... should be used for encoding". Why is this (a
>>  lower case) should? What happens if something doesn't base64 encode embedded
>>  raw data?
> Changed to "SHOULD." Thanks.
>> * In the table in section 3.1 (and I suspect the corresponding cddl and json
>>  schema, but I haven't verified that), in the block for 'Incident',
>>  'Indictator' is marked with a *. Looking at RFC7970, I think it should be
>>  marked with a ?. (0..1 instead of 0..*).
> Thanks for the careful review. We appreciate this comment very much.
> Indeed, this was intentionally changed so.
> As the 5th bullet in Section 3.2 says, "IndicatorData class is deleted, and 
> classes with its instances now directly have the instances of Indicator class 
> that used to belong to the IndicatorData class."
>> * There are places in the prose of RFC7970 that add restrictions to 
>> conformant
>>  XML documents that aren't captured in the schema. See "An instance of one of
>>  these children MUST be present." in section 3.11 of that document for 
>> example.
>>  That constraint is not present in this document (or did I miss it)? 
> The sentence in RFC7970 could be misleading (but the sentence in RFC7970 is 
> correct).
> "An instance of one of these children MUST be present" (in section 3.11) 
> means that at least one of "Reference", "Description", "sci:AttackPattern", 
> "sci:Vulnerability", "sci:Weakness", "AdditionalData" classes need to be 
> presented, and it does not mean either "restriction" or "ext-restriction" 
> needs to be presented.
>> * In section 3.2, the 7th bullet is likely an artifact of an earlier idea 
>> that
>>  was replaced by the one in the 8th bullet. I suggest deleting the 7th bullet
>>  (The one that says "Record class is replaced by RecordData class, and
>>  RecordData class is renamed to Record class."
> Removed. Thanks.
>> Nits:
>> * I suggest removing 'abstract' from 'abstract IODEF JSON' in section 2.
> Changed. Thanks.
>> * Section 3.2 uses "CBOR/JSON IODEF" in some places (see the title and 
>> several
>>  bullets). The Introduction introduces this as just "JSON IODEF". I suggest
>>  removing the "CBOR/" wherever it occurs.
> All of "CBOR/" were removed or changed. Thanks.
>> * The example in Figure 6 is broken at the end. There is a BulkObservable 
>> list
>>  that says it is supposed to consist of ipv6-addr objects, but the list
>>  consists of one e-mail object.  (Same happens in Figure 7 of course).
> Thank you for pointing this out.
> The type is now changed to "domain-name."
> Once again, thank you very much for your reviews.
> Kind regards,
> Take
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Sparks via Datatracker <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 11:36 PM
> To:
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Genart last call review of draft-ietf-mile-jsoniodef-09
> Reviewer: Robert Sparks
> Review result: Almost Ready
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review 
> Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the 
> IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just like any other last call 
> comments.
> For more information, please see the FAQ at
> <>.
> Document: draft-ietf-mile-jsoniodef-09
> Reviewer: Robert Sparks
> Review Date: 2019-07-16
> IETF LC End Date: 2019-08-01
> IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat
> Summary: Almost ready for publication as a proposed standard RFC, but with 
> minor issues and nits to address before publication
> I skimmed the various formal definitions. I have not verified they are 
> complete or correct. If someone in the working group hasn't found a tool to 
> do that, then the chairs should wrangle some intense volunteer labor to make 
> sure these things are what you intend them to be.
> Minor Issues:
> * Section 2.2.5 says "base64 ... should be used for encoding". Why is this (a
>  lower case) should? What happens if something doesn't base64 encode embedded
>  raw data?
> * In the table in section 3.1 (and I suspect the corresponding cddl and json
>  schema, but I haven't verified that), in the block for 'Incident',
>  'Indictator' is marked with a *. Looking at RFC7970, I think it should be
>  marked with a ?. (0..1 instead of 0..*).
> * There are places in the prose of RFC7970 that add restrictions to conformant
>  XML documents that aren't captured in the schema. See "An instance of one of
>  these children MUST be present." in section 3.11 of that document for 
> example.
>  That constraint is not present in this document (or did I miss it)? 
> * In section 3.2, the 7th bullet is likely an artifact of an earlier idea that
>  was replaced by the one in the 8th bullet. I suggest deleting the 7th bullet
>  (The one that says "Record class is replaced by RecordData class, and
>  RecordData class is renamed to Record class."
> Nits:
> * I suggest removing 'abstract' from 'abstract IODEF JSON' in section 2.
> * Section 3.2 uses "CBOR/JSON IODEF" in some places (see the title and several
>  bullets). The Introduction introduces this as just "JSON IODEF". I suggest
>  removing the "CBOR/" wherever it occurs.
> * The example in Figure 6 is broken at the end. There is a BulkObservable list
>  that says it is supposed to consist of ipv6-addr objects, but the list
>  consists of one e-mail object.  (Same happens in Figure 7 of course).
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