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Document: draft-ietf-lsr-ospf-l2bundles-06
Reviewer: Paul Kyzivat
Review Date: 2022-09-16
IETF LC End Date: 2022-09-29
IESG Telechat date: ?


This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the review.


Major: 0
Minor: 1
Nits:  1

1) NIT: 1 Introduction

IDNITS reports:

   -- Possible downref: Non-RFC (?) normative reference: ref.

As best I can tell there is no need for this reference to be normative. (Its only an example in the introduction.) I suggest making this a non-normative reference.

2) MINOR: Section 2: Normative requirements on future documents

While I don't fully understand all the document dependencies, the following normative requirement:

   ... Specifications that introduce new sub-TLVs of the Extended Link
   TLV MUST indicate their applicability for the L2 Bundle Member
   Attributes Sub-TLV.  An implementation MUST ignore any sub-TLVs
   received that are not applicable in the context of the L2 Bundle
   Member Attribute Sub-TLV.

looks to me like it may be imposing requirements on future work that may not itself be aware of or normatively linked to this document. The registry in question is defined only by RFC7684. Figure 2 further supports this point by effectively revising the format for the registry, adding an additional column.

I suggest it would be appropriate to formally update the registry to reference this document to impose requirements on future registrations, and add a column indicating applicability in the context of the L2 Bundle Member Attribute Sub-TLV.

The same logic applies to Figure 3 and the IANA OSPFv3 Extended-LSA Sub-TLVs registry. I suggest the same sort of fix for it.

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