On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 18:30, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Arnaud,
> I've ordered a copy of Good Hair as well. :) There are excellent scholarly
> sources on [[hair
> straightening]] in the black community. I dropped a few on the article's
> talk page, but it's just
> the tip of the iceberg. I may do some work on the article. Any help by
> editors better
> qualified than me welcome!
> I agree about the Black Girls video. My wife showed it to me a few months
> ago, and it's
> stayed with me ever since.
> As for your other point, about unnecessary surgery, Sarah spotted that we
> had some frankly
> misleading before/after plastic surgery pictures in a number of articles on
> female genitalia
> (uploaded by a plastic surgeon, no less). There were also two (2) in the
> vulva article. I found
> that quite perturbing.
> Best,
> Andreas

Many thanks for your work on those articles, Andreas. I've written to a
gynaecologist who published some images showing the natural variation
between women, and I've asked if she's willing to release a couple.

The Black Girls video is very moving.

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