I have got some calls about Wikipedia. I was in the board in Wikimedia Norway 
some years and president 1 year and got calls for journalists and other people 
those years. The last call I got about 1 week ago was from a woman who wanted 
to use one of my pictures in a book and ask me if it is ok. 
In Norway you only  need to have a persons name to get the number : 
http://www.gulesider.no/person/resultat/nina+Aldin+Thune  I have never told 
much about my family in the userpages. http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruker:Nina 
 , https://plus.google.com/109860657201319190669/about  only that I am 
housewife, and mother . 

Those calls have never been a problem, but I can understand that it could be, 
so as Risker/Anne says  «reconsider how much personal information you want to 
share about yourself online»  and ask someone  get stuff taken down.


Den 14. nov. 2011 kl. 00:58 skrev Risker:

> Likewise, Christine, I stand ready to assist you.  I'd suggest that yes, you 
> reconsider how much personal information you want to share about yourself 
> online; remember, Wikipedia userpages aren't just on Wikipedia, they're 
> spidered all over the web.  Once the information is out there, it's difficult 
> to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak.  
> Nonetheless, if you'd like help trying to get stuff taken down, let me know.  
> Risker/Anne
> On 13 November 2011 18:47, Lika Tika <likatikalikat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Christine, 
> I'm so sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, something similar happened 
> to me not long ago (although not related to Wikimedia). If you need any help 
> taking your personal information offline, please let me know, I'm more than 
> happy to help. 
> Have you let the wiki admins know, it might be a good idea.
> All the best to you.
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Christine Meyer <christinewme...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I've heard about this kind of thing happening to other women in Wikipedia, 
> but this is the first time this has ever happened to me personally.  A few 
> weeks ago, I got a phone call from a guy who said he wanted to talk to me 
> about what it was like being the parent of children with special needs.  He 
> also said that he got my number from my church, so I told him that I was busy 
> at the moment (which I was) and that he could call me back later.
> Yesterday afternoon, he called me back.  I asked him where he got my number 
> and how he found out about my parenting status.  He said that he read what I 
> had written on Wikipedia about my children, and that he wanted to talk to me 
> about it because he was also developmentally disabled and had some "syndrome" 
> that I didn't recognize.  (It wasn't Asberger's, I don't think.)  He also 
> said that he had gotten my number from "some church thing," and that they had 
> confirmed my phone number. 
> I told him that it was very inappropriate for him to call me, and he said, 
> "Well, you said I could call you back!"  I answered that I was in the middle 
> of something the first time he called me, repeated how inappropriate he was 
> being, and that I wasn't willing to speak with him over the phone.  He said, 
> "You said all that on Wikipedia," and I said that I didn't have my phone 
> number there, to which he responded, "But your email address is there," and I 
> said he could email me but calling me was again, inappropriate, and we hung 
> up.
> Like I said, it was the first time something like this has happened, even 
> after more than four years of active participation in WP.  It's somewhat 
> disconcerting to me.  When I think about it, this guy had to actively hunt 
> down my phone number.  He looked at my userpage, which has infoboxes stating 
> that I'm a parent of two children with developmental disabilities, that I 
> live in a small town in Idaho, and that I'm Catholic.  (This makes me want to 
> remove those infoboxes.)  He actually went to the trouble of calling one of 
> the the two Catholic churches in my town and confirm my number with them, 
> which they did quite honestly because I'm on a church committee and active in 
> the community.  Freaky, huh?
> I know that you need to tell people when something like this happens, 
> especially people in your life.  (I haven't been able to tell my husband 
> about it yet; he's been working all weekend and we're coming off of a 
> particularly stressful family situation.)  So that's what I'm doing now.  I 
> can totally see why so many women don't identify their gender on WP now.  I'd 
> also like to get some advice from the members of this list, and to see if 
> anyone else has had a similar experience and what they did about it.
> Thanks,
> Christine
> --
> Christine W. Meyer
> User: Figureskatingfan
> christinewme...@gmail.com
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