Hi everyone,

WMF is planning a hackathon in Pune, India, in Feb. 2012, to coincide with the GNUnify Conference - Feb 10-12. " A Wikimedia hackathon is a chance to learn how to develop using MediaWiki, Phonegap, and our other technologies, and to work alongside experts. Software engineers, designers, and translators are welcome."

The goal is to have a healthy group of women representing, so spread the word to your Indian colleagues (and the male colleagues too =) ) ! It's also being coordinated by Alolita (with help from Sumana!!)

Please visit https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Pune_Hackathon_Feb_2012 for more information.

Don't live in India or don't have a chance to attend that Hackathon? There is also a Hackathon in San Francisco in January:


Which has an event page so sexy that I wish I could attend and I'm better at breaking things than fixing them!



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