This is great Tom, and something I have been waiting for (and vocalizing
the need for on social media).

Lately all I have been doing is working on wikidata re: gender/women
subjects these days.


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Tom Morris <> wrote:

> Greetings Gendergap-sters,
> I wanted to tell everyone about a new game that Magnus Manske has
> created, called 'Wikidata - The game!'
> As games go, it's not tremendously exciting - it's not going to be
> peeling too many people away from their Xboxes or Nintendos.
> There's three sub-games: Person, Merge and Gender. You pick one and then
> the system asks you questions... forever. These answers end up getting
> pushed back into Wikidata.
> I've just been playing the 'gender' game. It shows you a Wikidata
> object, with a description in a language, as well as possibly a picture.
> Based on the description, you pick which gender best matches out of male
> or female (for non-binary genders, you can open up the Wikidata object
> by clicking on it and editing it directly). If you can't work it out,
> you can skip it by pressing 'Not sure'.
> I've now done over 400 of these. The interface is designed to work with
> touch devices so you should be able to do it with smartphones and iPads
> and so on.
> But why bother? Why should we care about making sure Wikidata accurately
> reflects the gender of its subjects?
> 1. It builds the future capacity of a replacement to the category
> system. Currently, we have a category system that turns identity into
> politics. We saw this on English Wikipedia with the "American women
> novelists" debacle: articles about female writers being moved from being
> in the main "American novelists" category into a gender-specific
> category. Some of the women who were thus moved objected on the basis
> that this was a form of ghettoisation of women's voices, and also
> pointed out that men weren't being equally moved to "American men
> novelists".
> The categories for discussion debates on English Wikipedia have become a
> place where identity politics plays out: should we have an "LGBT
> scientists" category? In come the people to argue that someone being
> LGBT is somehow a non-essential or non-central part of that person's
> identity. As it is for gender, so it is for religion and nationality.
> The flipside to this argument is that having categories based on gender,
> sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity and religion enables readers
> to find people. The gay kid who thinks all gay men are stereotypically
> effeminate men working as beauticians can be disabused of that notion by
> looking through the 'LGBT sportspersons' category; the girl who has been
> told that women don't go into science or engineering can do similarly by
> looking in the 'Women scientists' category. Wikidata may give us a way
> out of these kinds of conundrums by letting us slice up the world on a
> great number of different axes. Want to see all the gay Buddhist
> scientists from Morocco? Fire up some future Wikidata powered faceted
> semantic search system that one day we'll maybe integrate into Wikipedia
> and you can do just that.
> 2. It'll enable us to monitor how well we're doing on systemic bias and
> the gender gap. Wikidata operates across different versions of Wikipedia
> and other Wikimedia projects. On 'American women novelists', how well is
> each language doing in covering them? Is English Wikipedia better or
> worse at covering women novelists writing in English than French
> Wikipedia is covering women novelists writing in French? If we can make
> the machine readable data in Wikidata good and comprehensive, we can use
> it to flag up shortcomings and systemic bias in how Wikipedias in
> different languages handle these kinds of sensitive identity topics like
> gender and ethnicity and nationality. Countering systemic bias and the
> gender gap among article subjects isn't only an English language
> problem: Wikimedia is a global movement, and finding weak spots and
> opportunities to improve in all languages is something we should try and
> do.
> If you haven't played around with Wikidata, give it a go. Get yourself
> logged in with an account and go through the OAuth process, then you can
> start playing the games that Magnus has created and help build a system
> that can be used to monitor and improve coverage across Wikipedias.
> Wikidata is still at very early stages and you sort of have to have
> faith in what it could end up being in a few years time rather than
> being able to see immediate results now. But getting there might be
> quite good fun.
> Yours,
> --
> Tom Morris
> <>
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