On 9 June 2014 23:34, Lennart Guldbrandsson <l_guldbrands...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Some language versions of Wikipedia do have gender categorization, such as
> Swedish and German Wikipedia. (The English categories exist but are not used
> very much.) Here's a link to the Swedish ones:
> https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:M%C3%A4n (men)
> presently 132 211 articles
> https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Kvinnor (women)
> presently 32 693 articles
> This gives a rough proportion of 1 female for every 4 male. article subject.
> If my memory serves me, the German Wikipedia numbers are a bit higher
> (perhaps 1 in 6).
> The categorization was on Swedish Wikipedia a conscious decision to try and
> find out where we stood.

Thanks - I knew about the German categories but not the Swedish ones.

Interestingly, Wikidata reports:

32661 female on svwiki:

130801 male on svwiki:

Wikidata gives 20% female, the Wikipedia categories give 21%, but
they're in reasonably good alignment - almost perfectly matching for
women, and about 1500 men not in Wikidata. I'll have a look at getting
these mapped across tonight :-)

- Andrew Gray

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