Tarc, I felt your "lipstick on a pig" comment about a transexual was
not just disgusting, but was a key example of why we needed a WM-LGBT
user group to both highlight and gradually improve a hostile culture
on Wikimedia projects that appeared to allow blatantly anti-LGBT
attitudes and language on its projects under the guise of "being a
joke" or "teasing".

I stopped following any of the crap related to your defamatory
language, so if you apologised I missed it. If you did apologize,
could you give a link to it, or if not then maybe a thread here or
Wikimedia-l might be a good way of building some bridges with members
of minority groups that you took part in driving away from Wikipedia
through comments like this?


On 26 January 2015 at 01:12, Tarc . <t...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>    Suppose I should say a brief something since some of the posts here talk
> about me.   I have been caustic and acerbic at the Wikipedia over the years,
> though in fits and starts I am trying to take it down a few notches. So,
> yea, I'm quite aware that I'm not the best poster-child for any sort of
> movement or change or whatnot.  I dived into Gamergate after hearing about
> some of the really awful things that were being said about Zoe Quinn
> elsewhere, thinking (correctly) that her Wiki bio was going to be a
> harassment magnet.  As far as I am concerned, there is no debate; if one
> identifies as a "pro-Gamergater", than that one stands side-by-side with the
> harassment that was done under the hashtag. I did not want to allow these
> people to direct the narrative of the Gamergate article.
>    So, yes, sometimes one loses one's cool when dealing with dirtbags from
> 8chan/reddit.  However, it is a shame that we who kept the hordes at bay,
> while being harassed by 8chan/reddit and hell, harassed by Jimmy Wales
> himself for a time til his eyes belatedly opened, were not cut a little more
> slack. We were doing something right (with using some wrong words/tone at
> times) and got the same treatment as a bunch of throwaway accounts.
>    That is the narrative that the mainstream media seems to be running with,
> and while it isn't accurate for them to say "feminists and women were
> banned", they are still correctly portraying the WIkipedia's Arbcom as doing
> a pretty bad thing here.
> -t

fae...@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae

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