Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

>To be fair, WebSphere is probably more troublesome then the other
>containers (at least thats been my experience with it).  I do think 
>there is a time and place for RPC.  I however think better support for
>location independence is required. 

>I would suggest gaining experience with other containers (BEA and jBoss
>for starters, you can download a trial of the former and the latter is
>opensource) so that you can discriminate the problems that are exist in
>WebSphere from those in EJBs as a whole.  Not because you want to just
>do "not-ejb" but so that you don't repeat the same mistakes.
I have implemented a system using Container Managed EntityBeans that 
worked fairly well. I used Jonas (it was some time ago). It was smaller 
than the original poster example (about 20 entity classes, tens of 
thousands of instances). I spent a lot of time getting the entity design 
right. From the original description, it looks like the problems in the 
quoted project came from bad system design, more than from EJB 
technology as such.

Comments on my experience:

- The location and engine independence was a true marvel. I was 
developing with postgres/linux and deploying under MSSQLServer/NT with 
the same source code. Only small diffs in configuration needed.
- Performance was not good, but scalability was.
- Leaving transaction and persistence management to the container proved 
good at the end.
- My main issue in the development were related with using JSP for the 
interface (JSP sucks (c) Jon :) )

So, while I agree with political/licensing issues being of concern, I 
would not disqualify EJB as a whole from a technological point of view. 

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