On Tue, 5 Feb 2013, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 01:28:36 +0100
From: Gianugo Rabellino <gian...@rabellino.it>
To: "general@attic.apache.org" <general@attic.apache.org>
Subject: Board report for February
Sender: gian...@outlook.com

All, I was swamped and failed to post the January report on time, so we are
in for a February deadline and I'd like to work well in advance. I'm planning
to send a short report stating that we are on track (at least according to
jira) and there are no projects in the pipeline/no mailing list traffic. I'm
assuming someone is still listening here, and the reason why things are quiet
is because, well, there is nothing to do. If however you have concerns that
you would like to voice, I'm all ears.  Thanks, -- Gianugo


  the XML project was retired last april :


  I cleaned the dist/ area in september 2012 :


  1. the XML project page has to be attic'ed and
  2. a redirect setup in in dist/xml/.htaccess ;

  I can do 2) when 1) is done.


  Henk Penning

------------------------------------------------------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof WISK-412  _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Budapestlaan 6, 3584CD Utrecht, NL        F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/

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