What do we achieve from moving projects to archive ? we still need to keep reporting to the board ?.

Above all, do we think we have enough cycles to fix issues and make releases?

I'm in favor of _archiving_ Axis1/C++ and Axis2/C. By archiving I mean
doing the same as we did with inactive projects in Apache Web
Services, i.e. moving them to an archive area inside the PMC's SVN
tree. I think that's much easier than moving them to the Attic PMC.

Regarding the Axis(/Java) 1.x branch, getting it ready for a release
will require some work and that is not going to happen in the near
future. However, I think that keeping the branch alive is useful for
our users. The fact is that the original Axis 1.4 source distribution
is no longer buildable because of problems with modern JDKs and unit
tests that call external Web services that have been shut down long
ago. On the other hand, the code in the branch has been refactored to
use Maven, the unit tests with external (runtime) dependencies have
been fixed and the code is currently buildable. There is clear
evidence that users make use of that branch. Two recent examples:
AXIS-2442 (a user who checked out the Axis 1.x branch and then cherry
picked a patch from another abandoned branch) and [1] (a pull request
created using the Github mirror for that branch). I think that as long
as somebody (me) finds the time to keep that branch buildable and
there are users who use it to solve issues, there is no reason to shut
it down.


[1] https://github.com/apache/axis1-java/pull/1

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 3:26 AM, Sagara Gunathunga
<sagara.gunathu...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 7:47 AM, Deepal jayasinghe <deep...@gmail.com> wrote:


Seems like we do not have enough activities going on Axis2/c and Axis1
project, and no clear plans for future release or bug fixes. Unless someone
wants to come forward to keep the projects active I would consider moving
them to Attic.

What do you think ?

+1 to move Axis2/c into Attic.

Sometimes back I have seen Andreas  was doing some improvements on Axis1
but not sure whether we are in a position to release it,
otherwise I'm ok to move Axis1 also into Attic.

Thanks !

Based on the outcome, I will start a vote.


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