Are xml attributes indexed by default

Hi Jon,

You always have the Word index (Word lexicon), which can be explicitly used
with cts:element-attribute-word-query (and the element counterpart
cts:element-word-query. You will have to enable wildcard switches on the
database to use wildcards within the searched values. If you want to lookup
exact values, you might be better off with a range index, which can be
explicitly used with cts:element-value-query and

Whether or not XPath expressions are backed by these indexes and lexicons,
depends how well the query optimizer is able to match them. You might be
interested in this blog item from Evan, which explains how you can analyze

However, I think you are asking something different here, looking at your
code. To be honest, the argument of xinc:node-expand looks rather
suspicious. /* accesses the entire database, but you do it a second time in
the predicate. That is indeed very expensive. Can you put in words what you
are trying to do? We might be able to suggest better ways of handling this..

Kind regards,


*Van:* [mailto:] *Namens *Jonathan Cook - FM&T
*Verzonden:* woensdag 11 januari 2012 12:56
*Onderwerp:* [MarkLogic Dev General] Are xml attributes indexed by default


Are attributes indexed by default in Mark Logic Server? The documentation
says the whole document structure is indexed but that doesn’t answer the
question really.

For example I want to ensure the href attribute is indexed for the
following xquery:
*xquery* version "1.0-ml";
import module *namespace* *xinc* = ""; at

let $public_url := "%s"

let $results := xinc:node-expand(/*[

let $asset := $results[1]
return $asset

Perhaps the above xquery isn’t very efficient as I also read widcards
couldn’t be used with indexes?

This option is set to false but I suspect this is something different:
“Index attribute value positions for faster near searches involving
element-attribute-value-query (slower document loads and larger database

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