It may be your error or misexpectation.

It would help if you posted a reproducible example.

From: Ian Shannon <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 10:19 PM
Subject: [Jgeneral] Possible bug in AMEND

Hi there,

The following script shows a problem in AMEND using a non-trivial index verb.

I have an array typically read in from tab delimited file and boxed up.

The first 3 columns contain some text and the rest are numeric.

I want to use amend to replace the values each "numeric" column by the

actual numeric values using dyad verb ". (numbers).

I set up indexes for the required columns and pad to the left with boxed

empties to the required dimension.  If I use amend with a gerund then the

script produces an index error, however it works fine in various other

possible configurations.

Current J version is 805, but it also occurs in J701.


Ian Shannon

Science Strategy Branch, Science Division

Office of Environment & Heritage

P:  02 99 955 490

E:  Ian<dot>Shannon <at> Environment <dot> NSW <dot> gov <dot> au

W: http <colon> <slash><slash>www <dot> environment <dot> nsw <dot> gov <dot> au

location: 33°57'52.1"S 151°05'41.0"E  and  33°52'41.2"S 151°12'23.7"E


NB. AmendProblem.ijs

NB. Shows problem with replacing data using "amend" with gerund

smoutput JVERSION

smoutput ''

smoutput 'Script to show amend with gerund error'

data =: (<"0 ] 5 3$'asdfghjkzxcvbnm') ,. ": each <"0 ] 10+i. 5 3

data =: ('';'';'';'z') (2 3; 1 4; 0 1 ;_1 _1) } data

smoutput 'data array'

smoutput data

newData =: [ ".&.> (<'99') replaceEmpty numCols@:] { ]

replaceEmpty =: $@:] $ [ [`(a: I.@:= ])`]} ,@:]

numCols =: [: <@:(a:&;) [: i.&.:(-&3) [: {:@:$ ]

NB. generate the indexes into data of the numeric columns

NB. this is general in that if 2 ~: #$data it will insert sufficient (<a:) into 

numCols =: [: < (<a:) replaceEmpty (_1 * #@:$) {. [: <  [: i.&.:(-&3) [: {:@:$ ]

NB.         Box                    (rank data)        (indexes along last dim 
with numbers)

numColsX=: [: < (<a:) , [: <  [: i.&.:(-&3) [: {:@:$ ]

NB.         Box                    (rank data)        (indexes along last dim 
with numbers)

monad define ''

indexes =: (numCols data) "_

smoutput ' ',:'calculating indexes before and making into a constant verb in 

dataA =: _99 (newData`indexes`] }) data

smoutput 'SUCCESS:  dataA =: _99 (newData`indexes`] }) data'

smoutput ' ',:'calling from directly  - no gerund usage'

dataB =: (_99 newData data) (numCols data) } data

smoutput 'SUCCESS:  dataB =: (_99 newData data) (numCols data) } data'

smoutput ' ',:'using a simplier index calculation in a gerund'

dataC =: _99 (newData`numColsX`] }) data

smoutput 'SUCCESS:  dataC =: _99 (newData`numColsX`] }) data'


          smoutput ' ',:'using gerund with full index calculation'

        dataD =. 99 (newData`numCols`] }) data

        smoutput 'SUCCESS:  dataD =: _99 (newData`numCols`] }) data'


        errNo =. 13!:11 ''

        errMsg =. 13!:12 ''

        smoutput 'FAILURE:  dataD =: _99 (newData`numCols`] }) data'

        smoutput 'Error number was ', (": errNo), LF,errMsg




   load 'x:/joling/FromProblem.ijs'

Engine: j805/j64/windows

Beta-12: commercial/2016-09-30T15:50:47

Library: 8.05.02

Qt IDE: 1.4.10/5.4.2

Platform: Win 64

Installer: J805 install

InstallPath: r:/j/j64-805


Script to show amend with gerund error

data array


│a│ │d│10│11│12│


│f│g│h│13│  │15│


│j│k│z│  │17│18│




│b│n│m│22│23│z │


calculating indexes before and making into a constant verb in gerund

SUCCESS:  dataA =: _99 (newData`indexes`] }) data

calling from directly  - no gerund usage

SUCCESS:  dataB =: (_99 newData data) (numCols data) } data

using a simplier index calculation in a gerund

SUCCESS:  dataC =: _99 (newData`numColsX`] }) data

using gerund with full index calculation

FAILURE:  dataD =: _99 (newData`numCols`] }) data

Error number was 6

|index error: script

|   dataD=.99    (newData`numCols`]})data

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