"tacit if" behaves more rationally... returns/keeps the null.

'no'"_`('yes'"_)@.] ''

'no'"_`('yes'"_)@.({.!.0) ''


On Saturday, June 20, 2020, 07:25:48 p.m. EDT, Paul Jackson <plj...@gmail.com> 

I've grown accustomed to following some verbs with '' because there's no
way to write a niladic verb in J. Unfortunately I have a verb that uses its
argument to decide whether to update or not. That led me to learn the hard
way that '' is true.

try=: 3 : 0

if. y do.






    try ''


I thought I could force a domain error, but no.

    try {.''


I thought maybe J was doing {. and that space is non zero, but {.a. is also
true, as was everything else I could think of. This may not constitute a
bug, but it is unexpected behavior.
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