> As it is currently working, I don't know the point of having Line & Show
under Echo Run. I don't know what Connect and Disconnect under Server do. I
also don't know what Center Panes under View does.

1. The Server menu with Connect and Disconnect is from the 2018 original,
which connected to a remote server. Not needed in this version.

2. Line and Show means run the line and show the result, e.g. A=: i.3 would
display 0 1 2, rather have no output. This is the same as Jqt, and should
be useful in a demo.

3. Center Panes does just that, i.e. you can resize the Term and Edit panes
as you like, and Center Panes will center them back.

We should have the Help|Playground menu open a wiki page with better

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 12:07 AM Paul Jackson <plj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My initial response was to the appearance of this is approach. Issues I've
> discovered in subsequent use in no way have distracted from that initial
> opinion. I found several things to report, but I'm getting different
> behavior on Android where I have to use Firefox and Chromebook where Chrome
> does not crash. My children have the Chromebook and Windows 10 machines so
> I have to wait till they're not working to try experiments on either of
> those.
> The first issue isn't really in this app. All of the labs I remember using
> begin with the sentence:
>     To advance the lab, select menu Help|Studio|Advance or the
>     corresponding shortcut.
> To my knowledge, the Android version has never had that menu choice, but
> it's always been so different than every other platform I've never reported
> it. That seems important to overcome on something you'd like to show people
> first. If I'm right about that sentence being in every lab, perhaps the
> simplest thing to do would be just replace it with an empty string in this
> app and assume people would use the advice at the top of the Labs menu.
> I haven't tested Windows yet, but so far I cannot advance a lab with Crtl+>
> anywhere.
> Pressing enter after a result echos the last output, unless there was none
> as happens with plot. In that case
>      Edit Run > Line
> echos the line you typed as part of your entering the request initially,
> and
>      Echo Run > Line & Show
> has
>      output_jrx_
> under the plot.
> As it is currently working, I don't know the point of having Line & Show
> under Echo Run. I don't know what Connect and Disconnect under Server do. I
> also don't know what Center Panes under View does.
> My own preference for introductory interfaces is to provide as few choices
> as necessary, and to choose both descriptive words and organizational
> positioning to ensure the meaning of each is clear. To that end, several of
> the items in the previous paragraph might best be removed. Furthermore, a
> number of the options under Links seem better categorized as Help, and I
> would argue for choosing one initial form of help even though I don't much
> care which one it is.
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