On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As the subject says - because jakarta-gump has been renamed to gump,
> the traditional gumps have stopped picking up changes to Gump
> settings.

This is not "traditional gump" as such, but tsimply the ones that
didn't go with the changes.  Starting with the next run,
gump.covalent.net should be using the latest stuff again (thanks to
Sam for having Gump staff friendly permissions inside his home dir 8-)

I've CCed Steven so he knows he needs to take care of
gump.cocoondev.org.  gump.dotnot.org seems to be stale as well.

I simply performed

find . -name Repository -exec perl -pi.bak -e 's#jakarta-gump#gump#' {} \;

inside the working copy of the jakarta-gump module and removed the
Repository.bak files after making sure everything worked as expected.

BTW, xml-forrest has switched to subversion now.  In order to build it
with Gump we must have a subversion client installed and the working
copy of xml-forrest must be manually removed in order to make
update.sh (or Gumpy) do the right thing.


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