BuildFileTest is used by some Depot builds to test it's Ant tasks.
BuildFileTest is within the jar produced by project ant-testutil.  This
project has ant-dist as a dependency, and this is a heavy dependency for
users of the single BuildFileTest class.

Nick and I are trying (partly as an exercise in using cut-down personal
Gumps) to set up a profile that just builds depot. We then run the integrate
with "depot*", which ought just pick the tree we need. [When resoruces are
ok (this isn't a huge server) and the webapp working, the list is at:]. Unfortunately the
ant-dist bogs down the build enormously.

Would it be a problem to add a simple project to the ant gump descriptor to
allow a project that calls the test-jar target but without the ant-dist
dependency, purely for folks who need that piece alone? If a full build was
occuring I assume a later ant-test (with full dependencies) would over-write
the jar. Much as this is 'odd' I can't see it being a major problem. Is it
too nasty?

Any other approachs/thoughts?

Thanks in advance.



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