Adam R. B. Jack wrote:


I think the real challenge is at the project level, projects need to
establish naming consistent with their Umbrella group, this is a real
growing pain at this point, I suspect eventually the entire Jakarta
Commons will need to migrate to
jakarta-commons/jakarta-commons-foo-x.x.ext from
sometime in the near future. But it would probably be good to
have the
system consistent before that point and keep such transitions

Could either of you elaborate, please? Are we having uniqueness problems? If
not, what is the issue?



Its not really a concern at this time, just a groupId naming inconsistency in the Jakarta Commons that will eventually need resolution. Each Jakarta Commons project is defining its own groupId (commons-collections, commons-math, commons-lang) instead of using a global one (jakarta-commons) , this makes each subproject a totally separate project as opposed to just an Artifact of Jakarta-Commons. So currently in the Maven Repository we get


I think the Commons, we would rather eventually see:


But this is a Commons issue, not a Gump one. However, if you saw a major beneit in this we could use it as ammunition to push forward a change.


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